♡ Her Fate ♡

426 13 3

Narrator P.O.V

Surprisingly, Eclipse wasn't the first to move towards Rani. With Eclipse's expression hidden behind her hair and everyone else's a grim look of despair, it was Momo instead who moved to stand at Rani's side first.

With tears in the corner of her eyes, she moved her hand to gently grip hold of her pale classmate. Momo could only just feel warmth in her hand and she had to use her other hand to cover her mouth, keeping back a sob.

As tears began to roll down Momo's face. She dropped her hand from her mouth and looked at Rani's face, trying to keep herself from sobbing. As she did so, her voice broke through the dead silence from her classmates, although strained.
"Hey Rani... it's us. You're classmates, and friends. We're sorry we couldn't come and visit earlier, things have been just... so chaotic since the training camp. I'm sure you're not aware but so many things have changed in the short time you've been gone. We're going to live in dorms on the campus ground after the attack, since people are worried about our safety and-"

Momo suddenly stops, taking a few moments to choke back a sob. After a few moments, one of her hands still tightly in Rani's, Momo opens her eyes once again to meet her classmate. The machines around Rani continued to beep throughout the room. The room falls silent aside from that.

The members of class 1A each lower their heads in respect, memories of Rani racing through their minds. Aizawa crosses his arms and had to bite his lip and turn his head away to keep himself from crying, Mio had been quietly sobbing the entire time, Lily and Sano had their heads down but not a sound had come from them, and no one could work out what Eclipse was feeling.

No one knew what to say. They all wished for nothing more than for Rani to suddenly open her eyes, turn to them and smile. She'd chuckle and say that they shouldn't look so down, they were heroes after all. She would say that, which was what most of her classmates couldn't help but smile at for a moment. Eventually, Uraraka took a sudden breath in, straightened her back and look towards the unconscious girl, a new found determination in her eyes.

"Rani. Out of the time you've been here with us, you've helped teach us many things. You managed to show us a new form of friendship that I don't think we could have found without you. You've made an impact on every single person in this room, and we all can't bear the thought of seeing you go... you've done things that we thought were never possible, you've managed to help those in need better than anyone else and you still have the courage to admit when you need help. You're the bravest one out of all of us..."

"Uraraka's right, ribbit," Tsuyu began to add from beside the floaty girl, gripping hold of her hand and turning to look at Rani as well. "We're all waiting for you to come back home Rani, Ribbit. You're strong and we know you'll be strong for those who need you. We know you'll come back safe and sound, ribbit."

With the words from the two teenagers, all the members of the room slowly began to nod in agreement. They understood that Uraraka and Tsuyu was trying to say, and they couldn't agree more. Rani wouldn't be taken down by something like this. All they had to do was wait and hope that Rani will return to them. They all knew she wouldn't want them being sad, so they couldn't think of anything else better to do for her.

It was the least they could do, after all. She'd done so much for them in such a short period, and it was time they began paid their debts back slowly.

"... can I have a moment with Rani, please?" Eclipse suddenly asked out of the blue. She had been the only one not to move due to the girls' words. The members of class 1A and their guests look around at each other for a moment, before eventually nodding to themselves and walking out the door.

Midoriya was the last go exit, and couldn't help but give Eclipse a worried glance as he passed her and shut the door.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

For the next few weeks the members of class 1A would come and visit Rani whenever they had a free day. They often left flowers by her bedside with get better soon notes, and some of them would stay with her for a little while and talk about what had happened since their last visit. Although, Rani's parents had banned Mineta from coming to visit unless Aizawa or Eclipse was there with him.

During school, people tried to keep their spirits as high as possible, but sometimes that just wasn't possible. Sometimes they couldn't help but cry and be upset when it was just them, and no one could blame them for it.

Todoroki, Bakugou, and Eclipse had all been acting the weirdest, though it was understandable. No one could tell what was going through their head normally, but they knew that all three of them were taking their classmates injury to heart. No could blame them though.

Whenever they'd visit Rani, her parents were never there. They always missed them, so they could never ask how Rani was doing. The doctors didn't tell them anything if they came in while they were there. If they did ask, the doctors would simply look up them, smile and then continue with what they were doing. It stressed the members of class 1A out.

After around about 4 weeks of knowing absolutely nothing about Rani's condition, finally, they were allowed to know. It was early one Wednesday morning during homeroom when a knock at the door sounded. When it opened, the class was surprised to say the least when they found Nezu, Oye and Hideyoshi standing there.

Rani's parents held a face of seriousness, while Nezu was his normal cheery self. He nodded towards Aizawa who turned to his class, Oye and Hideyoshi stepping in and closing the door.
"Before we continue on, Rani's parents, Oye and Hideyoshi Fujimoto, have something they'd like to speak to us about" Aizawa said, before turning to the pro heroes and nodding.

"We're extremely sorry to interrupt your class time," Oye began, looking around at the members of class 1A. "We both know how important your studies are to you, so we'll try to keep this as short as possible. We're here as we'd like to inform you all of the developments with Rani. We, as her parents, came to the conclusion that you all deserve to know. You've been with her through so much and we know that if she could talk she would trust you all with this information... that's why we're here."

"As you all know, Rani sustained major injuries during the attack on your training camp," Hideyoshi continued. "We will not go into details about where she sustained them nor exactly how bad, but allow us to ease your minds. Thankfully, the doctors predict that Rani will make a full recovery. She will need to take it easy for a few months after her release from the hospital, but after that she'll be as good as new."

With the news, the expressions of the teenagers turned upwards. Everyone began to smile and cheer out loud, all excited that their friend would come home safe and sound. Bakugou sighed quietly in relief, he didn't know what he would have done if she hadn't been okay.

"However..." Oye suddenly said, causing the class to turn back to her parents once again. "The doctors predict that there will be a difference, and that's one of the reasons we're here today, to inform you of this. Again, as my husband mentioned we will not explain where exactly she was hit, but the doctors have explained that one of the areas was linked to her quirk. Because of this, she's not only sustained extreme injuries physically, but to her quirk as well."

"The doctors have explained that they would expect her to be quickless, after seeing these injuries and to the scale they are. However, after a deeper look they've discovered that due to part of Oye's quirk in Rani's DNA, they believe that when she returns she will still have a quirk. For those aren't aware, Oye's power allows her to send an object or person back in time, freeze it or see the future. They suspect that it's how Rani survived. Oye's quirk had began to slowly start repairing Rani's injuries. That being said, it didn't work quick enough. They expect that she'll have a mutation of her original quirk, and expect her to have to learn a whole new power entirely just about."

I'm gonna be honest and say that even I teared up writing this
- Rani

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