♡ Friends ♡

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Rani P.O.V

"Well, Well, Well.. What do we have here?" A voice sounded behind me. I stopped still in my tracks, the sound being familiar. When I turn around to face the owner, I can't help my expression from changing.

"Sanosuke Shinsei And Mio Kayama. Been a long while, hasn't it?" I say, smiling at the two standing before me. One was a female with beautiful long brown hair, reaching down to her waist. The ends of her hair were stained naturally pink, eyes shining like there wasn't a thing that had ever gone, and a smile present on her face.

The other was a male, black hair and a cocky smile on his own expression. Hands in pockets, he jokingly stared back at me, his purple eyes shining back at me in the sunlight. "It has been, hasn't it?" He responds, his smirk changing into a smile.

"Far too long at that." I add, walking towards the two. Mio begins to walk towards me as well, and together we meet in the middle, hugging each other closer. Sanosuke watched from behind Mio, waiting patiently. After a few moments, Mio pulled away. With hands gently on my shoulders, she looked at me and spoke once again.

"How's life been at U.A, Rani?" She asks. "I hope the teachers have been treating you well!" I nod, turning back to the male as he spoke up.

"I'm glad. You know, I have to say, me and Mio saw you in the first-year festival, and we couldn't be more proud of you." I chuckle, raising an eyebrow at him over Mio's shoulder.

"Is that so? I didn't participate though. Plus, I didn't know the second years were allowed to watch."

"Mum was leading the first years so me and Sansokue were allowed to help out. You should have seen his face when we were told you were putting on a performance!" I smirk and giggle at the two, my smile growing ever so slightly bigger.

Mio was the sole daughter of Midnight and a second year at U.A. She hadn't spent much time in society, since she was kidnapped and raised by her father when she was 4, but we'd grown close in the last 2 years, and despite being younger, I was asked to help Mio understand everything. We're really close friends, telling each other everything. When she transferred to U.A, we couldn't find a lot of time to hang out and connect like we used to, but we still manage to see each other every now and then.

Sanosuke met Mio their first year, and around about 6 months after that, met me. We'd been close ever since, being called the 3 musketeers on several occasions. I didn't really know a lot about Sansokue, since he tended to keep that hidden, but we made due with what he told us, assumed that he'd tell us when he was ready.

After just a moment, Mio finishes laughing and turns back to me, a smirk now annoyingly on her face. "So Rani, who were those 3 boys?" She asks, looking at Sansokue for a moment.

"H-Huh?" I stutter, raising an eyebrow. Sansokue turns to me and crosses his arms.

"Those 3 boys that were with you before. They had U.A uniforms on, are they in your class perhaps?"

"Oh! No, No, No! It's not like that!" I state back, frantically throwing my hands around.

"You know Sanosuke.." Mio starts, causing both of us to turn to her. "2 of those boys look really familiar..."

After a few moments, the black-haired second year responds. "You're right. I wonder where they're from though.."

I sigh out loud, knowing that there is no way I'd manage to get these two off my ass. "You know, you guys are like parents.."

"We know!" They exclaim in sync, looking at me with stars in their eyes. They waited for me to explain who the boys were.

"The two boys that look familiar are Probably Shoto Todoroki And Katsuki Bakugou. Bakugou won the sports festival and was part of that sludge incident months ago. On the other hand, Shoto came in second in the sports festival and is Endeavor's youngest son."

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