♡ Dinner ♡

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Rani P.O.V

Our residence was only a few minutes from Todoroki's, so it wasn't long before myself, Hitoshi, Sakura, my mother and father were standing at Todoroki's door. Hitoshi, Sakura, and I watched as a my two parents looked to each other, nodded and knocked. It wasn't long before the door swung open, revealing Todoroki standing there in a black suit with a blue tie. His face was one of displeasure.

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"Evening Mrs and Mr Fujimoto. It's a pleasure to have you this evening." Shoto spoke. I watched as my mother smiled brightly at him, turning to me for a split second.

"Such a gentleman! It's quite alright Shoto, feel free to call us Oye and Hide," She turned to her husband, to make sure she spoke for both of them, who nodded in response. My attention was focused on my classmate, however. I could feel something burning within me, and couldn't help a single thought escaping from the depths of my mind. 'Damn, He's hot.'

I watched as Shoto opened his mouth to speak once again, but was interrupted when a female, I assumed to be his sister, pushed back him and ran to me. She hugged me tightly, swinging me around for a moment, before placing me down.

"Oh, Rani!!" She exclaimed. "It's been so long!! Look at how you've grown!"

I couldn't help my expression from shifting to one of confusion. "Uh, I'm sorry, but do I know you?" I watched as the white-haired female with red strips nodded quickly at me.

"Yeah! I knew you when you 3! God, you were so tiny then!" My attention then shifts away from the adult female, to my parents, who were smiling at the two of us. After spotting their expression, I turned to Shoto, who was simply watching with his natural monotone expression. My attention then shifted back to the female, who began to speak once again.

"Oh right! You probably don't remember me! My name is Fuyumi, and I'm Shoto's older sister."

My confused expression then transforms into a smile once again, as a nod towards Fuyumi. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm deeply sorry I don't remember you."

"No! Don't worry!" She exclaims in return. "It was years ago, it's understandable."

She then smiles in return to me, but before things can get too peaceful, you can probably assume that something always has to go wrong. From behind Fuyumi and Shoto, I watched as Endeavor, or more accurately Enji approaches the door. Once he gets close enough, his youngest son and only daughter turn to him, although I'm unsure of what expressions they gave him. Endeavor stops just before the door, ushering us and them inside.
"Come on in, Fujimoto's. It's been such a long time." I turn to my parents, who nod towards me and my siblings, as the 5 of us make our way into the traditional Japanese home.

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