Chapter 6

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Okay, I think I'm officially okay and I've come to a conclusion: I am not gay and I do not have a crush on Brandon. He's just a guy whose my friend and I like the way he looks. Like the way I like the way Wolverine looks in X-Men. Or Cyclops. Or Colossus. Or Iceman. Or Nightcrawler. I don't wanna have sex with either of them. Just admire the details that make the asthetic so great. Nothing wrong with that. Just adimiration. That's not gay, right? Nightcrawler's kind of a weird one, though.

I should see a therapist about that one.

So, date night with Maddy. God, when was the last time it was just me and her? I think it was about three months ago? I'm a bit overdue for the romantic boyfriend stuff. I don't like traditional dates, though. They're so boring. Just sitting around, talking about how much you love each other while eating over priced food, then you go home and have sex. Not that we've ever had sex before. I haven't anyway. I don't know, anytime we try, I just can't do it. Maybe I just don't like it.

I would much rather lay in bed with her, watching movies while throwing out random trivia and laughing at each others poor commentary while eating reasonably priced food. But she wants romance. I guess what I want is romance too, technically. Just my own special kind.

I wonder what Brandon would do for a date night?

I threw on my dark red flannel with a black tee that has that tuxedo design, dark blue jeans and headed down the stairs. I don't know how to dress for this kind of stuff. I also decided to ditch the square frames tonight and put in my contacts instead. She told me she thought my glasses made my face look big, which I personally don't mind, but she likes me in contacts better, even thought they feel like a torture device.


I headed down the stairs where my mom was in the living room. She was watching reruns of Tales from the Darkside. You wouldn't guess it from looking at her, but she always loved horror movies. She wasn't the reading romantic novels in the rain or watching chick-flicks kind of woman. She always said it was cheesy and pandering toward women, which I can respect, but I kinda liked Pretty Woman.

That doesn't make me gay, right?

"Hey, mom. I'm ready," I said, walking into the living room. I have a fear of driving and Maddy doesn't have a car, so we usually have our parents take us around.
"Okay, just give me one second, honey," She said, her eyes locked onto the TV. It was the episode about the guy with the doppleganger that's trying to kill him or something, I don't know, I never got the appeal of horror and thrillers. "So, is she dragging you along to see Titanic again?"
"No, Beverly Hills Ninja, actually.." My mom took her eyes off the TV long enough to look at me with that 'really?' look she gives me and Sarah when we say or do something stupid.

Like when we said it was raccoon's that stole the car. She didn't believe us. Dad did. He's a conspiracy theorist.

"Well, good luck with that," She said, finally standing up and grabbing her keys. "You know, you should really get your own licence, Danny. Your father and I have offered plenty of times to help you get you're own car. You could even get a broken one and fix it yourself."
"Yeah, because Sarah would love if she were an only child again."

I can fix almost anything, but even I don't trust myself to drive a car I built. I don't even trust myself to drive a car I didn't.

We were in the car, heading to Maddys place. I don't know what kind of car it was, but it was purple and had a plastic window in the back. It got broken into a while back. Bastards stole my Spin Doctors CD.
"So, how's the project going with Haley and...?" My mom asked.
"Brandon." We were just pulling out of the drive way when she asked. "And it's going fine. I'm not really a fan of the subject, but it's whatever."
"Why do you always do that?" And here we go. "Why do you just 'whatever' everything you don't like?"
"It's not everything I don't like. Just the stuff I don't see a point in."
"Well, then, there's certainly a lot you don't see the point in."

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