Chapter 12

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Why did I think this was a good idea?! I need to break up with Madison, hide that I'm secretly dating(?) Brandon AND finish this stupid project? Why did I think I could do this? I spent the entire weekend with him, talking about it and going back forth on whether or not this was a good idea. Maybe I'm over thinking it, but after what's been happening to him, how can I not? It's not like he'll out me for not giving into him, but still. I'm clumsy, so I'm gonna slip up. I'm terrible at keeping secrets.

This is all so weird.

I still can't believe I'm gay. I mean, I can, I knew I was for years, but I'm actually admitting it, like it's normal. It feels so weird. Not bad, but not exactly good, either. I can't go back now, though. I already put myself out there, so now it's just a matter of figuring out what to do with this, which apparently isn't as simple as it sounds. I already found something I fit into, so why do I have to figure out how I fit into it?

I still don't know what a twink is, but apparently that's what I am.

It sounds evil, whatever it is.

Monday rolled around and I was in my room, getting ready for school. I feel nervous about this, but excited to see where it goes and what happens. I don't plan on backing out, but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of what comes with this. Heading out the door, I grabbed my board and jacket, throwing it on and-

Why is Brandon's truck outside my house? Why is he blasting the radio like it's NOT six in the morning? I rushed over, flinging the passenger door open.

"Hey," He said, casually, turning down the radio.
"What are you doing here?" I asked in a hushed tone.
"I thought you might want a ride?"
"Seriously?!" I asked, jumping into the truck. "I don't want everyone knowing."
"It's just us," He replied. "If anything gives it away, it's you acting weird about your friend giving you a ride to school."

I'll show him a ride.


"I'm sorry," I said, closing the door. "But you can't just show up here out of nowhere. Things are...different now."
"Did you already tell your parents?"
"No! And I'm not going to, but still."
"Then they won't be suspecting of anything from your friend coming to give you a ride to school."
"Except that I always have my-"

A knock at the window made me jump. I rolled it down with the lever that feel like more a work our than the gym, revealing my dad.

"Danny?" Oh, no. Not now. Please god, not now.
"Yeah, dad?" I asked, nervously.
"You left this in the driveway," He said, handing me my board. Guess I dropped it.
"Oh, thanks. Can you put it in the back? Please?" He looked past me to see who was driving.
"Hi, Mr. Price," Brandon said, smiling like a big, cute dumby.
"He just came by to ride me to schoo- GIVE ME a ride. To school." I wish I could smash my head against something, but it looks like if I do, the truck will fall apart.

I think he trashed the hula girl for a Transformer.

Wait, is that a Go-Bot???

He didn't say anything else. He put the board in the truck bed and walked back to his car, the way dads just silently exist and you never know if they're mad or not.

"So, do you still want a ride or...?"
"Yes, I want the ride. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I know you're nervous, but it'll be fine."We drove off, talking about, well, us.
"I'm serious. They can't find out any of this. If they do, I could be kicked out and disowned or my dad could wind up coming after your dad,"
"I get it," He said, slightly annoyed. "I'm the one worrying about you, remember? Everything is fine, you're just being paranoid."
"I know. I'm sorry."

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