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It all started the summer I turned 17. "Holy shit! Our cover got 100k views in an hour!" Ryan yelled throughout the house. "Y/n! Come look!" I walked into the room to see him hunched over his computer screen. "I don't believe you!" I laughed. I squinted my eyes and there indeed was 100k listed under our video. "Wow." I whispered. "I told you we're gonna be famous." He laughed. "It's just one video." I said.
As soon as I said that, Jason, our other bandmate came through the door. "Guys. Have you seen it?" We're blowing up!" He said. "Yeah I know." Ryan said. "Yeah and you'll never believe what happened like 15 minutes ago either!" Jason said. Me and Ryan looked at him for him to continue. "Finneas posted us to his story! And our original song too!" He said, practiaclly screaming. "Who?" I asked. Ryan gasped. "You know who he is. Billie Eilish's older brother. Dudes a genius." Ryan said. "Who?" I asked again. "You're kidding me!" Jason said getting his phone out. He pulled up a picture. "Never seen her." I shrugged. "But holy shit. 13 million followers!" I exclaimed. "She must be good." "And hot." Ryan mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

Later that night I looked up Billie and her brother. I followed them both. Ryan and Jason both posted a screen shot of Finneas' story and I laughed at them being dorks. I checked Billie out some more. 'Wow. She's so beautiful.' I thought to myself. I shuffled some of her songs and I was amazed at what I heard. My body had chills all over it.
Rockstars only
Me: yo we should cover one of Billie's songs.
Ryan 💩: that's the best idea you've ever had
Jason🙄 :yeah. We should of a long time ago. She's following you!
I checked and she was. As I was scrolling through her Instagram I noticed a comment notification. I clicked it to see that ryan commented on my picture. Ryantheguy:yo @billieeilish y/n is kinda obsessed with you.
I rolled my eyes and turned my phone off and headed to the kitchen for a snack, Billie not leaving my mind. Something about her just stuck out. As I entered my room I decided to go live on Instagram since I hadn't done that in a while.

Billie's p.o.v
My phone dinged to see that Finneas texted me a link. It was a cover of a song by a band I've never heard. I pushed play and I melted as I heard the girl sing. She was beautiful. I saw they linked their instagrams and I clicked on the girls. I followed her almost immediately. She was stunning.
Finneas: why are they so good.
Me: i know. But y/n is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Y/n p.o.v
"Guys. What should we cover next. Also should we release more originals?" I asked the chat. Ryan came back over and he was reading the chat. I laughed as everyone answered. "Both." One comment stuck out immediately. Billieeilish: sing for us right now. The chat went crazy and the number of viewers went up. "Holy shit." I whispered. "I have my guitar with me." Ryan said. He went to get it. I was staring at the screen, making sure what I saw was real. Billieeilish: you're so beautiful. I blush slightly, cursing myself for getting flustered. Ryan came back. "What do you want to sing?"he asked. "I have no idea." I smiled.

Time skip:
I had been texting Billie non stop for months. Since I live in Oregon, we weren't able to meet up. Me and the boys got a big break touring as a opener for a u.s. tour, and tonight was our last show and we are ending it in l.a. Billie said she was going to come to the show. I increasingly got more and more nervous. "I have never seen a girl make you this nervous." Ryan laughed. "I know. It's stupid." I said fixing my outfit for the 100th time. "You're on in 10." The stage manager said. My phone buzzed. Billie: good luck! Can't wait to officially meet you! I sighed as butterflies erupted in my stomach.

I spotted her in the large crowd. I was mesmerized. Ryan had to sing a few lines as I just stared at Billie, watching her. She smiled and I broke eye contact and continued the show.
After our set, Billie was suppose to come backstage. I texted her to see where she was and scrolled through Twitter. "I'm gonna puke." I mumbled. "Hey y/n." Ryan said. I looked up to see her standing there. I stood up and walked over to her. "It's nice to meet you." I said holding my hand out. Billie laughed. "Come here." She said pulling me into a hug. She wrapped her arms tightly around me. I laughed as we pulled away. Ryan let out a "ooh." And I  shot him a look. "You were great tonight." Billie said. I looked at her and sighed. "Thank you!" I said. "Relax. It's just me." She said grabbing my hand. "I don't know why I'm so nervous." I said. Billie smiled. "Are you hungry? Wanna go get food?" She asked. "I'd love too."  "After you." She said.

"So. How long are you in la for?" Billie asked taking a sip of her water. "Just for the week." I said. "Well we need to spend as much time together as we can." She smiled. I blushed and looked down. "How's the album coming?" I asked. "Good. Won't be out for a long time. How's yours coming along?" "We have to be signed to a record company first and then we'll see. I'm still writing this one-." Billie nodded for me to continue. "But i can't seem to get it right." "Well it'll come to you." She said. "I have a question." "Yes?" "How exactly did you discover us?" I asked. "My brother. He's kinda obsessed with you guys." She laughed. "Well the guys are obsessed with him." "They should meet." Billie laughed.

After dinner Billie dropped me off at the hotel I was staying at. "Wanna come up?" I asked. She thought for a moment. "I probably shouldn't. But are you free tomorrow? I'd love to meet up." She said. "Yeah. Just text me." I said. She nodded and I watched her drive off.

That night I couldn't sleep. Billie was on my mind and I craved nothing more than to talk and be with her. My phone dinged. Billie: you up? I smile. Me: yeah. minds racing. Billie: I'm in the lobby. Wanna talk about it. Me: :)

A/n: should I continue with this?

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