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Two years have passed and me and billie haven't gotten married. In the midst of two tours. Finneas and Claudia getting married. Arguments had broken out between me and billie around tours and when we are getting married.

We were currently watching Sara while john and Lauren had a date night. She's two now and Billie's baby fever grew even stronger. She sat in the floor playing with her as I sat on the couch and watched. "Y/n. Come play!" Sara said pulling my hand. I got up and sat next to billie. Sara sat in my lap and held a book. "Let me read to you!" Sara said. I listen to her make up the story based on the pictures. She laughed as i got into her story. At the end she closed the book and yelled "I was joking!" I tickled her sides. She screamed with laughter. I let her go and she climbed into Billie's lap. "Can I hear the story?" Billie asked. Sara nodded and grabbed the book. 

Once Lauren and John left Billie left the room and went into the bedroom. I sighed as I picked up the living room. I turned the light off and walked into the bedroom. Bille was curled up in a ball. "Billie-" I said. She curled up tighter. I dropped my head in defeat. I sat at the foot of the bed. "I want kids. I want to marry you. I just-" "just what? Waiting for the right time. Now is the right time!" She said. "I'm just not good at any of this." I said. "Good at what?" She asked. "I want out wedding to be perfect but I have no idea how to do that." I said. "You don't have to do it by yourself!" She said sitting up. "We just need a date and I can do it." She said. I nodded. "And kids. I know you wanna wait till after we're married. But how long. We're 23 and I kinda wanted a kid by now."'she said. "Well I can't get you pregnant Billie." I said. She laughed. I sat next to her. "we already have a perfect doner. We just need to start trying. And how about a fall wedding. Maybe like in October or November. That way we can have a few months and gives us time to perfect it. I love you billie. I didn't want to upset you." I said. She smiled. "Okay. And I love you too." I kissed her forehead and stood up. "I like October." She smiled. "October 23." She said more precisely. "We have a date." I said. She smiled and stood and took my hands.

Few months later
It was August. Billie practically had the wedding planed ready. I was with Lauren as she helped me pick out my outfit.
"What's going through your mind?" She asked. "Nervous." I said. "About?" She asked. "That I'm not gonna make Billie happy." I sighed. "That's crazy! You know you make her incredibly happy." She said. "Guess I'm scared of being a let down." I said. "Also scared about being a mom." I said. Lauren sighed. "I was nervous as hell and everyone told me I'd figure it out." She said. "But you're a wonderful mom." I said. "Exactly. It's normal to be nervous. Just love them unconditionally and support Billie." She said. I nodded. I gave her hug. "Love you Lauren." I said. "What are best friends for." She laughed.

I got home before Billie. I was exhausted so I crashed on the couch. Billie walked in and saw me passed out she sat her stuff down and straddled my lap. She kissed all over my face. I woke up and opened my eyes to see her smiling at me. "Hi mamas." I said. She hummed. "Hello sleepyhead. I got a surprise!" She said. I sat up as she pulled out a box. "Out invites came in!" She said. I opened the box and smiled. "Wow. They're beautiful." I said. She smiled. "Everything is pretty much squared away." She said. "Yay!" I smiled. I stood up and walked into the kitchen. "So. For our honeymo-" she started. "Nope! I call dibs on planning that. That I can do. Just the decorating and little details I can't." I laughed. She smiled. "Well do you have anything planned?" She asked. "Maybe." I said. "And?" She asked. "Nope. It's a surprise! I've been planning this for a few months now." I said. She looked at me. "And I've already shopped and packed for you." I said. "So. I won't know-" "until we get there." I said sipping my water. "Just waiting for a few more things to be done and then, we have our honeymoon." She smirked. "So what else did you buy?" I asked. "Well if you're keeping stuff a surprise then I am too." She said.

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