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We landed back in Oregon and my best friend came and picked us up. "Hello. Um excuse me? What are you wearing?" She asked. "Hey Lauren." I said placing my bag in the trunk. "And why are you all mopey?" She said looking towards Ryan and Jason. "Her and billie are in love." Ryan said. "I'm sorry? What?" She asked. "Can we please go. I want to go back to bed." I grumble. "Can't. We have a meeting in like an hour." Jason said. "Hey baby." He said kissing Lauren. "At least someone is happy to see me." She laughed. I gave her a hug and got into the car.
Me: landed. Miss you.
Billie: miss you too! ft me when you can!
Me: okay. I have a meeting and a party. Might skip the party. I'm tired.
"So you guys met?" Lauren asked. "Mhmm." "And they spent the night together." Ryan chimed in. "You're such a little kid." I said. "Well you didn't get laid because you're attitude sucks." She laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Don't have to fuck every girl I spend the night with." I counter. "Well did you make out?" She asked. "Can we stop?" I asked. They laughed and I laid my head against the window.

"So guys. It will be a four year contract. At least two albums. You can do more but you don't have too. We like to start you guys touring right after you release the first album and you'll tour for each album." The manager guy said. Ryan looks at me. I looked at him. "Sounds fine to me." I said. He smiled. "You guys are very talented and you're growing quickly. My suggestion is after you sign with us you still released your videos on YouTube and then we'll work on recording some covers to put on Spotify, if you want, and eventually some singles to hype up the album." He said. "Any questions?" He asked. "How long are the tours going to be?" I asked. "Depends on the fans. However big your fan base is, will determine the number of shows and places." He said. "Internationally?" Ryan followed. "That also depends on the number of fans." "But our shows will most likely start out small anyways." Jason said. "You never know. I mean the likelihood of you guys selling out huge stadiums is unlikely the first album but my guess will be a couple thousand." We nodded. "Okay." We all said. "And if there's any  problems with anything at any point we will try our best to fix it. We are very lenient. We are here to make your life's better and less stressed." "Nice to meet you. Looking forward to working with you." I said shaking his hand. The guys followed and we existed the office.

I got home and landed on sprawled out onto my couch. Ding.
Lauren: get ready. We're meeting the boys at 9
I groaned.
Me: not going.
Lauren: too bad. You just got home. Please come!
Me: ugh
I laid there for another good twenty minutes. I was thinking about life when I heard a loud knock on my door. I stood up and opened it to see Lauren standing there. "Dude. Shower! I'll pick you clothes out." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

"I feel like a mom." I laughed. Lauren laughed. "And you look like my girlfriend." Lauren stopped. "I mean are you asking me out?" She asked. "No." I snickered. "I just look very gay." Ding. Lauren rolled her eyes and continued her makeup. "Not like I see you changing or anything."
Billie: you left something behind.
Me: what?
Billie: *sent picture*

 Me: what?Billie: *sent picture*

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(We gonna pretend it's Billie. K cool)
Me: oh. I didn't even realize I left it. You can keep it.
Billie: I already planned on it.
*incoming ft call*
"Hello." Billie said. Lauren whipped around and mouth 'who's that' "hey billie." I said. Lauren's jaw dropped. "Oh my god." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Stop." I said to Lauren. Billie laughed. "Who's that?" Billie asked. "Lauren." I laughed. "Oh you're annoying best friend?" Billie asked. "Yes." I laughed. Lauren threw a makeup brush at me. "Look at what she picked out for me to wear tonight." I said setting the phone up. "I look like a gay mom." I laughed. Billie bit her lip. "You look good." She said. I shook my head. "Wear your hair I'm a pony tail." Lauren said watching me. "Demanding." I joked. "So what are you up to?" I asked Billie. "Writing. Finneas was suppose to be home today but he isn't so I'm just messing around."

I stayed on FaceTime with Billie until me and Lauren were outside of the house. "I'll talk to you later. I have to go." I frowned. "Okay. Talk to you later. Bye." We hung up and I sighed. "This is stupid." I protested. Lauren took my arm and we entered the house. Ryan and Jason greeted up and Lauren immediately went to Jason. "You look so good." Jason yelled over the music to Lauren.  "You look like a mom." Ryan laughed. "Shut up!" I yelled and followed Lauren and Jason to the kitchen. "Well you already have some eyes." Ryan laughed. I looked over to see two girls staring and watching me. "Cute." I laughed sarcastically rolling my eyes. "Come on. Billie isn't here so have some fun." Ryan said. I stared at him. "I'm good." I said.

A few hours later, I was sitting on the couch drinking fruit punch when a blonde sat next to me. I ignored her in hoping she'd get annoyed and leave. I felt my phone vibrate. I went to reach for it when I felt a hand on my leg. "Allow me." They girl said. "No." I said standing up. I immediately saw Lauren and went over to her. "I made an appearance. I'm leaving." I said. "What- no. Stay." She pouted. "I'm tried. And this party is lame." She frowned. "Whatever." She said rolling her eyes. I said goodbye to Jason and left.

I unlocked my door and immediately went to my bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. I looked at my phone to see a missed FaceTime from Billie. I called her back. She answered on the first ring. "Hey." I smiled. "Hello." She laughed. I laid on my side and sighed. "Are you still at the party?" She asked. "No. It was lame."  I yawned. "It's because I wasn't there." She laughed. I smiled. "How was writing?" I asked. "Good. Finneas got home right after I talked to you." I nodded. "Speaking Of Finneas." She said. A dirty blonde haired guy poked his head into the screen. "You're talking to y/n?!" He asked. "Yeah?" Billie said. I smiled. "Nice to meet you." Billie smiled at my words. "You too. But damn Billie get it." He said whispering the last part. I smiled at Billie's reaction and she turned her attention back to me. "I'll let you go to bed. I'll talk to you tommorrow." "No. We can still talk." I protested. "You need sleep. I'll call you as soon as you wake up." Knowing I wasn't going to win.  I told her bye and hung up.

As I fell asleep, I thought about Billie. 'I wish I lived in California so I could just be with her the whole time. I ended up looking at flights.
Me: what would you say if I booked a flight rn
Billie: I would love it but you can't. You have an album.
Me: what if I moved to l.a
Me: me and the boys. We can still do our album in l.a.
Billie: then I would say, why don't you :) I miss you.
Me: yeah.
Me: I'm doing it. Going to bed. I'll let you know what the boys say in the morning. Night.
Billie: night y/n

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