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It's my last day in l.a and billie took me to all her favorite spots. "Not to be pushy or anything but you should really move to l.a." Billie laughed. I smirked. "Why so you can see me everyday?" Billie just looked at me and I shook my head. "This way." Billie said walking into a vintage store. "Ooh. Cute." I breathed walking in. I immediately gravitated towards the denim jackets. "Hey billie." A worked said walking by. I looked at her and she shrugged. "I come her a lot." I smiled. I moved along the isles, looking at everything. Billie watched me. "So I was thinking, for your last night in l.a., you should come over and we can watch a movie and order junk food and-" she said looking down. "You're cute." I said walking towards the next isle. Billie watched me walk away and she smiled to herself. "Ooh this is cute." I said pulling out a t-shirt." Billie walked over. "Hmm I'm getting it." I said holding it to my chest.
Billie ended up picking out a few pieces. I took my shirt up to the counter. "My card." Billie said. "Nope." I said handing my card to the cashier. "Wow Billie. You've bought people in here but never offered to pay." The girl laughed. Billie blushed. The cashier took her card and swiped it. I looked at Billie and she looked away. I took my bag and followed Billie out. "Are you hungry?" She asked. I nodded

Later that night, I went back to the hotel to gather my stuff since I was staying at Billie's. "Make sure you use protection." Ryan said. "Actually make sure you sleep on the floor." Jason laughed. "Don't listen to him." Ryan winked. "Okay. One, we're not going to fuck and two, stop acting like my dads." I groaned. "I'll see you two tomorrow at 10." They walked me down to my Uber and I was off to Billie's.

Billie's p.o.v
Y/n pulled up to my house and I met her at the front door. "Hello." I laughed. She smiled and walked in. I led her to my room and she gasped. "I wasn't expecting this." She said. "What were you expecting?" I asked. She shrugged. I noticed she still held onto her bags. "Here. You can set those here." I climbed onto my bed and she followed me. Her phone vibrated. "Sorry. The boys are being annoying." She laughed. "Oh shoot. Finneas isn't here tonight. I wish he was. They could of met. Maybe next time." I shrugged 'or at least I hope that there's going to be a next time.' She sat her phone down and turned to me. "So you said something about food." She laughed. "Don't tell me you just came over for the food." I laughed. "No-" she stopped and looked at me. I nodded for her to continue. "Nevermind." She said shaking her head. "What do you want?" I asked. "Mmm. Anything." She said leaning back.

"No stop!" She laughed. "What? This picture is cute." Y/n sighed. "I feel bullied." "Okay fine." I said. I looked at her. She scrolled through her phone. "This picture is my favorite." She said. "Why?" I asked taking her phone. "Seriously?! It's hot." I scoffed. "I am not." "Mmm. I beg to differ." She smiled looking at me. I handed her phone back and made eye contact. She looked at my lips and back into my eyes. I want to kiss her so bad. I looked away. "So what movie do you want to watch?" I asked, changing the subject.

Y/n's p.o.v
I was really hoping she'd kiss me before she changed the subject. "I don't know. What's your favorite movie?" I asked. Billie smiled. "Have you seen the babadook?" She asked. I shook my head. "Well." She said turning on her t.v. I watched her movements. "I'm going to change before we start." She said. I nodded. "Good idea." I got up to search through my bag. "Shoot. I don't have any clean t-shirts." I lied. I do but I'm hoping she's give me one of hers. "Here." She said throwing me a green shirt. "Thanks." I said. I grabbed a pair of sweats. "Bathroom is down the hall." I nodded.
I closed the door and sighed. "Make a move y/n." I thought to myself. I changed and looked in the mirror. I placed my hair into a ponytail and exited the bathroom. Billie was in the hallway. "Cute." She said as she shut the door. I laughed and climbed back onto her bed. Ding. Ryan: CHECK BILLIES STORY!!!! I went over to Instagram. It was a black screen with the caption 'youre so fine you blow my mind. I wanna make you mine.' I smiled and Billie walked in. "What?" She asked. "Nothing. Ryan is being stupid." She nodded. She sat next to me. Our shoulders touched and sent tingles down my spine. She looked at me and I turned my head to look at her. She didn't say anything but she didn't have to. I smiled and she moved closer. I touched her Face and closed the gap. I kissed her softly and she kissed me back even softer. I pulled away and Billie laughed. "I wanted to do that for a long time." She said. "You should of." I said moving in to kiss her again. "We should probably watched the movie." She said moving her head. "I kinda don't want to." I said. Billie laughed. "We should take things slow. I don't want to rush anything." She said. "Okay." I said sitting back up.

Billie played the movie and I leaned into her. She smiled and wrapped an arm around me. "I'm confused." I laughed. "It gets better." She whispered. I looked up at her. "You can go to sleep if you want." She gave me a sleepy smile. "I don't want to." I nodded. "Are you tired?" She asked. I yawned. "No." She smiled. "Go to sleep. You have to travel tommorrow." She yawned. I scooted fown into the bed and Billie turned the t.v. Off. "You're not getting this shirt back by the way." I whispered, earning a laughed. "It's okay. Keep it." I snuggled into the pillow and sighed. "Wanna cuddle?" I asked. Billie pulled me into her. "Wanna know a secret?" I asked. "Hmm?" "I don't want to leave." Billie sighed. "I don't want you too either.

The next me and billie both were woken up by my alarm. I groaned and sat up. As if ok cue Ryan called. "Hey. Yeah I'm up. I'll meet you at the airport. Okay. Bye." I turned to look at Billie. "Are you sure you have to leave?" She asked. "Yes." I said. She frowned. "Let me drive you." She said. "No. It's okay. I'll take an Uber. "No. Let me take you." She said getting out of bed. I followed her off the bed. She stared at me as I stretched and fixed my hair into a bun. "You look cute." She said. I blushed. She smiled and walked to the bathroom. I retrieved my toothbrush and waited for Billie to be done.

We spent the whole car ride talking about shows and exciting plans. As we got to the airport Billie walked me all the way to security. I turned to wrap her in a tight hug. "Until we meet again." I sighed. "Good luck on everything." I whispered. "I'll see you soon." She said. I pulled away and she smiled. "Bye." I said as I walked through security. She smiled and waved. Ryan texted me saying he was outside of the gate. I spotted him almost immediately. He gave me a smirk. "Shut up." I said. "You two need to date. You would be cute together." He said. "Shut up." I repeated. "That's her shirt though." Jason stated. "And?" I asked "you're basically dating." He laughed. "You two are annoying!" I groaned. They laughed. "Well we already have a meeting tomorrow and tommorrow night, we have a party to go to." Ryan said. "Great." I mumbled. "Oh cheer up. You'll see her again." Jason said. I laughed. "I know. I just. This album is going to be the death of me." They nodded. "We're almost done. And we'll be signed soon so."
Ryan said. "Can't wait." I said. My phone dinged and it was a Snapchat. It was Billie. It was a picture of her frowning with the caption. "Miss you already". I smiled. "I can't with you two." Jason laughed.

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