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The next morning I was woken up by someone banging on the door. I walked over to see Jason standing there. I opened the door. "Hello." He said. I stared at him and opened the door for him to come in. "Bedroom." I said pointing. He nodded. I fell back onto the couch. I could hear giggling coming from my bedroom and I sighed curling back up in my blanket, closing my eyes. My phone buzzed. I sighed and laid further down. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. I let out a groan. Before I could reach my phone I heard a knock on the door. I threw the blanket off. Billie was standing there with a soft smile. "What are you doing here?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "I missed you." She said.  "Aren't you suppose to be writing?" I asked. She shrugged. I laid back down onto the sofa. "How's Lauren?" She asked. "Good Jason's here." I said as we heard giggles escape from my room. I opened my arms for Billie to crawl in. She sighed. "I wrote all last night. I couldn't sleep." She said. I brushed some hair out of her face. "I didn't sleep well either". She laid her head on my chest. I played with her hair. I heard the bedroom door open. Lauren gave me a small smile. "Thank you." She said. "Of course." I said. Jason smiled. "We'll leave you two love birds alone." "Bye." I said watching them leave. Billie looked back up at me. "They're cute." She said. "Not as cute as us." Billie gave me a goofy grin and laid her head back down. "I could stay here forever." She whispered. "Mmmmm." I said.

A few hours later I was woken up with lips lightly brushing against my neck. "Mmmm." I groaned. I heard a giggle. "Hey." She whispered. I rolled over and I heard an ooof. "Y/nnn." She whined. "I'm bored." Billie licked my face and I didn't flinch. She laughed. "Come onnnnnn." She sighed. "Okay. I'm leaving." She said. I opened my eyes and grabbed her wrist. "No!" Pulling her on top of me. She let out a groan. "Now give me attention." She laughed. "I'm sleepy." "But I wanna kiss you." She whispered. I smiled and grabbed her face. I connected our lips and she melted into the kiss. I pulled away and she smirked. She connected her lips to my neck. I laughed. "Billeeee." I wined. She smirked and kissed all over my face. I wrapped my arms around her neck. "I'm hungry." I said. "Me too." "What do you want to eat?" I asked. She kissed me again and looked at me. "I have an idea." My jaw dropped. "Billie!" I said. "What?" She asked starting to kiss my neck. I laughed. My phone buzzed from under me. I reached for it. Billie didn't pull away. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey! So I need you to come over. we got an email and we need to decide something quickly!" Ryan rushed. I giggled as billie kissed my neck. "Uh okay. about what?" i asked. Billie laughed. "um. yeah. just come over. now. also can you get a hold of john?" he said hanging up. I sighed. "what was that?" Billie asked. "ryan. he got an email." "he has to tell you everytime he gets an email?" she laughed. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Basically." She kissed me again and stood up. "I really didn't want to go anywhere today." "Then tell him to fuck off." Billie laughed. I stood up, "Must be nice to be your own boss." She shrugged.

"Our first world tour!" John said. "I mean. Are we even famous enough?" I said. "Numbers don't lie!" Ryan said. "Holy shit. Okay. So that means we need to finished the album." I said. "yes." ryan nodded. "like in two weeks, record, then tour for six months." "Yes." Ryan said thinking about it. "Well that's great. Okay. let's start." john sighed. "I finished writing, we just need to finish the music part." John sighed again. "That shouldn't take too long. I hope." I sighed. "recording will take the longest." "I just booked a studio....should we go now." I nodded.


"Wow. This sounds amazing." I said. "Guys! Guys!" John said running through the door. "Yes?" me and ryan said. "Lauren is in labor! She's early. I-I can't breathe." He said panting. "Okay. Let's go." I said and Ryan nodded. "I'll meet you there. Let me save everything." He said. I nodded and followed John out.

John bounced his leg as I raced down the freeway. "Just so you know. A few weeks early is okay. I was two weeks early." I said. "I just wish I was with her." He said. "Well we're on our way and labor takes a while. She's probably just chilling." I said. He nodded. My phone buzzed. "Can you get that?" I asked. He nodded. "It's Billie." He said. "Answer it." I said. "Hello?" He said. "Oh. Hey. Where's y/n?" "Driving. Lauren's in labor." "Oh! Wow! Well can you tell her to call me when she gets a second?" "Yeah of course. Bye." "Call Billie when you can." He said. I nodded.

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