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Four years later.....

Last night of a six month tour, plus my 21st birthday next week....I was excited. I haven't seen my girlfriend in seven months...I can't wait to be with her. "Last show!" Ryan yelled. "Let's make it count!" Jason laughed.

As I walked onto stage, the crowd felt different. Our opening song started to play. I jumped around stage as I fed off the energy of the crowd. Our set went by quickly and our second to last song was our cover of Billie's song, ocean eyes. "Okay guys. This next cover is in celebration of me seeing my beautiful girlfriend tommorrow." The crowd cheered and ocean eyes started to play. We added our style to it and the crowd went nuts.

As we finished our last song, the crowd chanted Billie's name and Ryan pointed her out. She smiled and waved. "Excuse me? You're suppose to be in la." I said. She shrugged. "Come up here!" I said. Security helped her up and she ran to hug me. "You're so sneaky." I laughed. "You called me your girlfriend." She said. I pulled away. "Because you practically are." She smiled at me and the crowd awed. "I love you all. Thank you for supporting us and listening to our music. We'll catch you next time." I said blowing a kiss. The boys left after me and we four exited the stage. Lauren greeted us. "Amazing show guys!" She said. Billie leaned into me and I wrapped my arms around her. "How are you doing?" Jason asked. "Tired." Lauren said rubbing her belly. "When are you due again?" Billie asked. "December 18th! About a month!" She said smiling. "No way. That my birthday!" Billie laughed. Lauren smiled. "Wow! Maybe she'll be super talented." I smiled and kissed Billie's cheek. "Okay. Let's go back to the hotel so you can rest." Jason said. Lauren nodded and they left. "You guys can go too. I'll help pack up." Ryan said. "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah. You did it last night." I nodded and lead Billie out to the car."

"Were you surprised?" Billie asked. "Of course!" I said. "I was expecting to see you tommorrow." Billed laughed. "Lauren's idea." I rolled my eyes. "I like what you did to ocean eyes." She said. "I hoped you would. I was so nervous." I said. "Why? You're so talented." I smirked. She took my hand. "Seven months has been too long." She said. "Tourture. I missed you way too much!" I said. "Me too." She said running her finger on my thigh. I watched her movements.

We pulled up to the hotel. Is your stuff already here?" I asked. She nodded. "Just toiletries." She shrugged. I walk into the room. "I'm gonna grab a quick shower. Are you hungry? We can order food after." I said. She nodded. I got undressed and turned the water on to warm up. I closed the shower curtain and I heard the door open. "I was wondering when you'd join me." I laughed. She got in and frowned. "You haven't kissed me yet." I grabbed her hips and she wrapped her arms around me. I kissed her lightly and pulled away. She frowned again. "I really stink." I said. She groaned and grabbed my hand and placed it onto her breast. "I don't care." She said. I rolled my eyes. "You're too much." I joked. "You love me anyways." She said wrapping her arms around my neck. "Yes I do." I whisper. The water ran down my back as Billie stared at me with wide eyes. "What?" I asked. She shook her head. "Nothing. Kiss me!" She said. I kissed her softly which turned more passionate. She rotated her hips onto my thigh and moaned with her movements. I kissed down her neck and she quickened her pace. I squeezed her ass and she groaned. "You sound so beautiful." I breathed into her ear biting her ear lobe. She sighed as she orgasmed. She put her forehead onto mine. "Let me shower and we'll go round two." I said. She smirked in response. She got out and dried off the little bit of water. I quickly washed my hair and body and wrapped my hair in a towel and followed her into the room. She laid on the bed and i straddled her waist. "So beautiful." She said eyeing my body. I smirked. "That's all you." "No mamas. That's you." She said. I kissed her breasts and played with her nipples. "Seven months." I said. "So sexually frustrated." I said. "You came on my thigh." She blushed. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you." I kissed down her body and left light kisses on her lower stomach. She jumped at my light touches. I attached my tongue to her clit and she moaned and moved her hips. I fingered her entrance as her moaned got louder. "Mmm." She said looking down at me with hooded eyes. I found her gspot hitting it just right. "I'm gonna c-" she said letting go. I sat up and she did the same. She kissed me passionately and pushed me down to the bed. "Your turn." She said. "No. No. You don't have to." I said. "But I want to." She said. I tensed and I knew she felt it. "I don't have to if you're uncomfortable." She said. I shook my head. "This is just different." I said. She smiled. "Let me take care of you." She said kissing me lightly. She pushed me down and straddled my lap. I grabbed her hips and she smirked. Her hands roamed my body. "You know. You're so hot." I laughed in response. She started to kiss down my body. She massaged my breasts and I let out a soft moan. She smirked and worked her mouth to my inner thigh. She left light kisses. I watched her as she inched her way closer to where I wanted her. "Billie-" I cried. She watched me as she ran her finger down my slit. I moaned. She rubbed her thumb on my clit. "Mmm." I breathed. Billie laughed and attached her mouth to my core. She swirled her tounge. I let out breathy moans and she started to finger me slowly. "Fuck." I said arching my back. She quickened her pace and I fisted her hair. I felt my stomach tighten. "I'm gonna-" I said. She quickened her pace more and I released. She let me ride out my high. I breathed heavily and I felt her climb next to me. She kissed me softly and I hummed. I looked at her and she gave me a soft smile. "Will you be my girlfriend?" She asked. "Yes. Officially." I smiled. She kissed me again.

Billie was curled up in my arms. "What are you doing for your birthday?" She asked. "Nothing." I said. "You have to do something! It's your 21st!" She said. I shrugged. She sat up. "What are you doing for yours?" I asked. "I don't know." She said. "I have little over a month to think about it." She laughed. She laid back down and sighed. "I'm throwing you a party." She laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Please Don't."

Our flight was delayed for some odd reason. I laid my head in Billie's lap and fell asleep.
Billie's p.o.v.
"So are you guys doing anything for her birthday?" I asked. Ryan looked up. "I was thinking a surprise party since she doesn't want a party." "Yeah. That's going to go well."
Jason asked. "Say that again but slowly." Lauren laughed. "She deserves it! She's been working hard and it's her 21st! We need to celebrate!" Ryan said. "Fine but you're taking the blame." Jason said. I looked down to make sure she was still asleep. "I'll help." I whispered. Ryan smiled. "Now she won't be upset." Ryan said. "Do you not know y/n?" Lauren laughed.

We get on the plane finally. Y/n falls back asleep. Ryan started talking about what he wanted to do. "Just tell me what I can do." I said. He nodded and started making a list. "You two are helping too." Ryan said. Jason laughed. "She's going to kill you. Billie's safe but you. Ha!"

Y/n p.o.v
I wake up with a hour to go and billie ended up falling asleep. I stretched and Ryan smiled. "What?" I yawned. "Nothing. What's your favorite color?" He asked. "It's green and black." Lauren said. I smiled. "And that's why she's my best friend." I laughed. Billie woke up and looked over at me. "I can't wait to get off this plane." I groaned.

We walked through the airport. Some fans yelled as we walked through. We all smiled and waved as we kept walking. The boys and Lauren got into one Uber and me and billie into another. Billie grabbed my hand and squeezed it softly. "I can't wait to go back to bed." I said rubbing my eyes. Billie laid her head onto my shoulder.

I opened my door to my apartment and threw my bags down. "Finally." I said walking straight to my bedroom. I heard Billie laughed. I fell onto my bed. "We should get some food." Billie said. "Here. Order something." I said handing her my card. "I got it." She said. "No. Order me some tacos on my card and get whatever." She shook her head. I sat up and snatched her phone. "Hey." She said. "I'm paying." I laughed. She giggled. "Babe no." She said. I stopped. "Babe?" I asked. She blushed. "Whatever." She said. I sat her phone down and nudged her. "Babe?" I asked again getting into her face. She shook her head and looked away from me. "Four years. Four years and you're still getting flustered around me."
I said. She grabbed her phone and started typing. "No." I said tackling her. "I'm paying." I said lifting her hands above her head. She laughed and I smiled. She stared at me. "So? What do you want to eat?" I asked. "A burrito." She said. I smirked. I got off of her and order tacos and burritos. "Okay babe. I'm going to grab a shower while we wait for the food." I smirked. "Mmm." She hummed. I shook my head and walked into the bathroom.

After my quick shower, the food came and me and billie ate. "That was delicious." Billie said holding her stomach. "Mhmm." I said. I turned the t.v. On and billie curled up next to me. "You know. I kinda want to go on a hike." I said. Billie laughed. "Why?" "I don't know I like to hike and I haven't been in a while." I shrugged. "Well you should asked Finneas. He knows some good places." She said. "You won't come with me?" I asked. She shook her head. "I was thinking of going on one for my birthday." I said. "Fin. Could take you." She said. I kissed her forehead and curled up to fall asleep.

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