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Week later
Today was the day. My 21st birthday. More like another year of getting older. My alarm went off at 6 am and I softly placed Billie's arms from around me and snuck into her kitchen to see Finneas pouring a glass of water. "Happy birthday!" He said. "Thanks." I smiled. He handed me a glass of water. "Are you excited for this hike?" He asked. "Yeah." I said setting my glass down. "Well then let's go. Claudia is meeting us in five so I guess we better get ready." He said. I quietly walked back into Billie's room and put on a pair of leggings and a super over sized t-shirt with a sports bra under. Billie stirred and sat up. We made eye contact and she smiled. "Happy birthday beautiful!" She said smiling her gorgeous smile. I sat back on the bed and kissed her softly. "Thank you." I whispered. I grabbed my phone and she pulled on my arm. "No. Don't leave! You should sleep in on your birthday!" She whined. "But I wanna go hiking. You should come with." I said. She groaned. "I'll just be here, waiting for you to return. Finneas knocked on the door, signaling I needed to go. "See you in a few hours love." I said kissing her again. She sighed and sunk back into bed.

Billie's p.o.v
I fell back asleep for an hour before my alarm went off. Ryan texted me saying that he was up and I got ready to meet him. I only had about an hour before y/n would be back at my house so I had to hurry.

Ryan got all the decorations and we set up at Lauren and Jason's house. "What else do we need to get?" I asked. "I think that's it." Ryan said. "Snacks!" Jason said. "I got that. I mean drinks but I guess I'll run out after this." Ryan said. "What am I texting her again?" Lauren asked. "Billie you need to leave!" I looked at the time. "Shit! Okay I'll see you guys later." I said. I texted Finneas to stall and he said they went to lunch. I sighed.

Y/n p.o.v
Claudia and Finneas are so cute it made me miss Billie. "So. Are you guys starting your new album soon?" Claudia asked. I smiled. "Well we have so many songs written it's just they aren't good or they don't go together." I laughed. "What do you mean?" Finneas asked. "The story of the songs don't correspond or flow together. It's hard to explain. Our album we just released told a story and each song is different but it all goes together." Finneas nodded. "Maybe you could write a song to bridge the gap." He suggested. "Yeah. That'll be cool." I said. Claudia's and Finneas phone buzzed at the same time. Claudia looked at Finneas and I continued to eat in silence. I knew deep down Ryan was throwing me a surprise party and somehow roped Billie into helping. Finneas changed the subject and I played along.

I walked into Billie's room and she was still in bed. "How was the hike?" She asked. "Fun." I said. "Doubtful." She laughed. "Wanna come with me to my apartment?" I asked. "I need a shower." I said. Billie nodded. "I was gonna take you to get food but Finneas stole my thunder." She laughed. I kissed her softly. "It's okay. You don't have to do anything but be with me." I said. She smiled.

After I showered, Lauren FaceTimed me. "Hey! Happy birthday love!" She yelled. I smiled. "Thanks laur!" I said. "Hey! So me and Jason want you to come over tonight so we can make you dinner." She said. "And billie can come too! Obviously." She said. "Okay." I said knowing exactly what was happening. "21! Are you excited?" She said. "Not really. Just another year." I said. She frowned.

Billie all day was super affectionate and cute. She was curled up onto my chest as we watched a movie. "You turn 21 next month." I say. "I know. I'm nervous." She said. "Why?" I asked. "I don't know. I have a lot of life plans I want to accomplish in my 21st year." She said. I nodded. "Don't pressure it. Everything will work out." I said. She sighed. "I know." "And look at how much you've accomplished already! You're so amazing." She laughed. "Thank you." She looked at me. "You're pretty awesome too." I kissed her softly. My phone buzzed and I looked at the time. "I guess I should get ready then." I said.

Billie stayed to watch the movie as I applied light makeup and picked out an outfit. I thought it would be cute if I wore Billie's shirt. I walked back into the living room and Billie was texting someone. "You ready?" I asked. She smiled. "You're adorable." She said. "Well I might as well wear your shirt since you're wearing mine." I laughed. She looked down and slipped her shoes on and we left. "Who's driving?" I asked. "Me." She said.

The ride was short. Billie sang along to her playlist as I grew more and more nervous. We pulled up to Lauren's house and I slowly walked up to the door. Billie stood behind me as I turned the knob. "Surprise!" I hear a bunch of people yell. I looked around to see everyone that I could possible know. Everyone's phone was out recording. I stepped back and billie grabbed my hand to lead me inside. "Happy birthday!" Some people yelled. Streamers and confetti started to rain down. I laughed. Lauren walked over to me. "How'd you know?" She asked. "I just knew Ryan was going to do something like this." I laughed. Ryan shot me a goofy grin and I laughed. "Well let's go party!" He yelled over the loud music that started to play.

I was casually drinking on a mixed drink. Billie was talking to someone and I was sitting next to Lauren on a bar stool. "Did you have fun today?" She asked. "Yeah. We should go. well Ya know after you have your child and everything." I said. She laughed. "Are you excited?" I asked. "Beyond." She said rubbing her belly.

Jason ended up getting shitfaced and gave a speech every five minutes. As it got later into the night, the drinks got stronger. or I was getting drunker. Ryan and I took shots. Billie was sitting on the couch. I left the kitchen to look for her. "Billie!" I yelled. I walked into the living room and she was sitting on the sofa. I sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her. "I missed youuu." I said. She giggled. I pulled away and she tucked some hair behind my ear. "You're cute." I said. She laughed. "You're drunk." She said. "I know." I said. A song came on, that I had no idea what the name was but I wanted to dance. "Dance with me!" I said. I pulled her up and swayed to the music. Ryan walked into the room. "Cake time!" He yelled. "I wanna dance!" I yelled. He cut the music. We were both drunk. Jason walked out with a small cake with a candle. Everyone started singing happy birthday. I blew out the candle and before I knew it my face was in the cake. I laughed uncontrollably and fell over. Billie tried not to laugh as she helped me up. Jason also joined me on the floor laughing. Ryan just shook his head. "you're a bunch of idiots." He handed me a bottle of some type of alcohol and I took a sip. "You really should take it easy." Jason said. "It's my 21st. I wanna black." I said. Jason laughed again. "You're gonna regret that in the morning." He said standing up. I stood up too and went to the bathroom to clean frosting off my face. Billie followed my stumbling ass. She helped me get frosting out of my hair. The room was spinning a little and my vison distorted. I pushed Billie against the counter and kissed her. She pulled away. "You're sticky." she laughed. She had a few drinks and I know she was feeling herself. Or at least I thought. I rinsed my face with water and ran back into the living room.

It was now like 3 am and everyone was gone except for me and the boys. I laid on the floor singing along to the song that was playing. Billie played with my hair. Empty bottles were spread around me. "Okay. I wanna go home." I said. Jason laughed. "Can you even stand up?" He asked. I mocked him and sat up. He laughed as I groaned. "Fuck You all." I said stumbling to the door. "Y/n? How are you going to get home?" Lauren asked. "An Uber. Billie?" I asked. She looked at me. "Will you please accompany me?" I asked as I ordered and Uber. "You two be safe!" Lauren said. "Billie text us when you two get in." They said. She nodded and I stepped out side to get fresh air. I slipped down their sidewalk tripping a little. I danced around as we waited for the Uber.

As we got into my apartment. I looked over to Billie and laughed. "What's so funny?"
She asked. "You're so pretty. I don't know why you like me." I said. She shook her head. I walked into my room and changed into some sweats and sat i the foot of my bed. Billie walked in. "Come here." I said. I sat her down and grabbed my guitar and sat on the floor. I began to play my favorite song anyone else by pvris. I began to sing and watched Billie. She looked at me confused. I got to the pre chorus and looked down. Once I got to the chorus I stood up and approached her.
I don't belong to anyone else.
I sat my guitar and kept singing as I approached her. She pulled me down and kissed me. I pulled away and looked at her. "I am so in love with you billie." She stroked my face and smiled. "I love you too." She said. I kissed her again and it got heated. I pulled away and sat back up. "I'm tired." I said. "Let's go to bed." She whispered.

Billie cuddled me into her chest and I sighed as the room spun. "Did you have a good birthday?" She whispered. "Best one yet." I said.

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