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The last three weeks felt like three years. Billie hasn't talked to me. I eventually stopped trying. Jessica flew back home. Ryan's girlfriend was on tour with us. I barely talked to anyone. I have a month and a half left until I was able to go home.
"Y/n." John said. I looked at him. He gave me a soft smile. "You ready?" He asked. We had a show. I barley remember performing. The crew handed me my gutair. I followed them on to the stage.

The show finally ended. I crashed into my bunk and scrolled through my Twitter. Finneas. I read. I sighed and clicked on it.
Finneas: so. What happened?
I groaned and clicked out of it. I sat my phone down and rolled over. My phone buzzed again. John walked in and pulled back the curtain. "Come eat." He said. "Not hungry." I mumbled. He sighed. "You need to take care of yourself. I'm worried about you." He said. I shrugged. My phone kept buzzing. He reached for it. "You wanna answer it?" He asked. I shook my head. "It's Finneas." He said. I rolled over and he answered. "Hello?" He said. "Fine. I honestly don't really know what happened." "Yeah. She's the doing the same." I felt johns hand on my shoulder. "Hold on. Let me see if I can get her to talk." He said. "Leave me alone." I said. He sighed. "Nope." He said to the phone. "Okay. I'll tell her." He dropped the phone onto the bed. I felt my body being lifted. "Why can't you just let me be!" I yelled. "Listen to me!" He said. "You can't be living like this." He sat me on the couch. "Look. I love you. I can't stand to see you like this. Talk to me! I get that you're sad. You can be sad but you can't be doing this to yourself." He said. He handed me a water. I took a sip. "I'm sorry." I said. "Don't apologize. Now. Finneas wanted to let you know that Billie's tour was canceled." He said. "Okay?" I said. "She's not doing too well." He said. I blinked at him. "What do you mean-?" I asked. He sighed.

Billie's POV
After I got off the phone with y/n I called Finneas. "What's wrong? he asked knowing I wouldn't be calling him this late. "We broke up." I choked. "What? Billie what happened?" He asked. I told him the whole story. He calmed me down and I eventually fell asleep.

The next month or so I was in a daze. The shows were unbearable. All I wanted to do was cry or scream. Finneas flew to me. For the first 24 hours all I did was cry. I decided to cancel tour until I felt better. It wasn't fair to the fans. I wasn't myself and there was no way I could give them the best. Me and Finneas flew home.

I decided to meet a friend for brunch. Just getting out and not being alone helped a little. As I was driving my mind wandered to y/n. Her soft skin. Her long, beautiful hair. How she squeezes her eyes shut when she laughs too hard. I missed her. All of her. Before I could react a huge truck plowed right into me sending me flying into the side of the freeway. I opened my eyes and coughed. I looked down to see red. Everywhere. I could hear a voice calling out to me. I couldn't move. Blackness surrounded me.

"Billie! Come on!" I heard. "Where are you?" I asked. I tried to walk but my legs felt like jello. "Come on!" I saw y/n standing there. "Billie!" She yelled. She ran over to me. She wrapped me in a tight hug. I breathed her in and felt her warm embrace. "Don't leave me!" She said. "I love you!" I pulled away. "I won't." I tried to say but nothing came out. "I need you." She said. I reached out to touch her face but she disappeared.
I woke up and I was in the hostpital. I coughed and finneas jumped to my side. "Oh god." He said. I tried to move but he held me still. "Don't move." He said. I looked around. He sighed. "I thought I lost you." He said.

Broken leg, a fractured wrist, a fractured skull and a broke nose. I sat thinking while Finneas explained what happed. "I need to see her." I said. He stopped mid sentence. "Y/n?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay. I'll call her." He said. He sat there still. "Do it now!" I said.

Y/ns pov
"She was in a bad car accident." He said. "Is she okay?!" I asked "yes. But she-" "she what?" I asked. "She asked to see you." He said. I froze. "Okay. Well I have to leave." I said. John grabbed my arm. "I'm coming with you." He said.

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