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The next morning I drove straight to Ryan's and Jason's to propose the idea, hoping they'll buy it.
I knocked on the door and a sleepy Ryan answer. "Morning sunshine. How are we?" I asked. He groaned. "Fine." He said letting me in. "Jason awake?" I asked. "No. I would be either if you didn't wake me." He sighed. "Yeah well. We should move to la." I said. He paused. "How is that possible y/n?" He asked "we can stay in a hotel until we find a three bedroom to rent. We have enough money from tour. And besides. With the record deal we'll have an album soon and that revenue to help us to get our own apartment." I said. He sighed. "Don't you think it's too soon?" He asked. "What do you mean?"I asked. "We hit 8 milllion on Instagram last night." I said. Ryan sighed. "We'll see what Jason says." He said. "I say for what." Jason asked. I pitched him the idea.

"You guys can't move to la. That's too far from me." Lauren said. "Come with us!" I laughed. "Yeah and besides. You two are going to get married. I've already called it." Ryan said. I rolled my eyes. Jason wrapped his hand around Lauren. "Let's do it then." Jason said. I smiled and ran out of the apartment.

Couple months later
Lauren rode with me and Jason and Ryan rode together. "So. Are you moving to l.a. to be with Billie more?" Lauren asked. "No. Everything is in la. It'll be easier for our music." I said. "And it's a plus that Billie lives in the area?" Lauren said. "Lauren. We aren't dating, we just met." I said. "And?" She said. I sighed. "Come on! You two would be so cute!" She laughed. I smiled. I couldn't deny that we would.

We stopped at our first gas station to get gas and snacks. "This drive is going to take forever." Ryan moaned. "It'll be okay." I said. "Take a nap." Lauren said. Ding. "Your girl texted you." Ryan laughed. "You're so annoying." Jason laughed. "Someone needs a nap." I laughed. I picked out some m&ms, chips and an energy drink and paid.
"Only six more hours ladies." I laughed.

Time skip
We got to the hotel around 6ish the next day and immediately looked for apartments. Ding. I looked to see an Instagram dm notification. Weird. I thought to myself. I opened it to see that Finneas dmed me.
Finneas: hey! Sorry if this is weird haha but billie hasn't stopped talking about you and she said something about you moving to la today. We're playing a show tonight and I was hoping you'd be free to come surprise her. You can bring the rest of you band or whoever.
Me: uh yeah! I'd love to come!
Finneas: great. I'll tell security to expect you. Also don't tell billie. Show starts at 8!
"Alright losers. We're going to Billie's show tonight." I said. Lauren piped up. "Really?" She asked. "Did billie invite you?" Jason asked. "Actually Finneas did." I said. Ryan raised his eyebrows. "We're gonna meet Finneas?" He asked. "Yeah." I laughed. "Well I was gonna take Lauren out to dinner". Jason said. "You guys don't have to go." I said. "I guess it's me and you then." Ryan laughed.

I took a quick shower and got ready. Ryan was finishing up when Billie ft me. "Act normal." I said before answering. "Hey!" I smiled. "Hello. Are you already in la?" She asked. "Yeah." "Oh well I have a show in 45 mins but do you wanna hang afterwards?" She asked. "Sure. I love too." She smiled. "Okay I have to go. Text me when you're done with your show!" I said. She nodded. "Okay see you later." She hung up and I sighed. "Ready?" I asked Ryan and he nodded.

"So have you met him before?" He asked. "Who?" I asked. "Finneas!" He whispered. "Kinda." I laughed. A security guard approached us. "Y/n?" He asked. "Yes. And this Is my plus one." I said. He nodded. "Okay. I was told to wait until after Billie was one to let you two in." "Okay." I said. Ryan bounced nervously.
Me: good luck tonight!
We heard the crowd cheering and the music start playing. "Okay. Follow the green tape all the way to the vip section." The guard said. "Thank you!" I smiled.
As we made our way to the vip section I heard some people say our names. I looked at Ryan and shrugged. We finally made it and billie was dancing around on stage. I watched her in aw. Finneas saw me and he smiled and waved. I felt someone behind me and I looked to see a girl with dark hair smiling. "Y/n?" She asked. "Yes?" I said. "I'm claudia. Finneas' girlfriend. It's so nice to meet you!" She said. "Oh. Hey. You too!" I smiled. "Billie hasn't stopped talking about you! You're really special to her." I smiled and blushed slightly. "I can't wait to see her reaction." She said. "Hi I'm Claudia." She said to Ryan. "Ryan. Nice to meet you." She nodded and I turned back to watch Billie. I took a picture and a video and uploaded it to my Instagram story and tagged her in it.

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