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Five months later
Billie was pregnant. It was going good. Billie sat on the couch. I sighed and sat next to her. "How was your day? How was your check up?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "What?" I asked. "Stay here." She said. She stood up and walked into the bedroom. I sat there confused. She sat back down. "It went good. But guess what!" She said smiling big. "What?"
I said smiling at her. She handed me ultrasound pictures. I looked. "Wait-" I said. "We're having- no. oh my god!" I said tears welling up. "Twins!" She said. Tears escaped my eyes. "Hello babies." I said rubbing Billie's belly. I kissed Billie softly. "I can't believe this!" I said. "Me either."

I sat with John as Billie and Lauren discussed baby things. He handed me a drink. "You seem different." He said. "honestly. I'm worried." I said. "About what?" he asked. "Billie. She's just been worrying me. This pregnancy has been hard for her and I honestly don't know what to do." I said. "You're doing everything you can." He said. "Just be there for her. Take care of her." i sighed. Billie flashed me a smile. I smiled as Sarah jumped onto Billie's lap. "Hello." Ryan said stumbling into a seat. "Are you seriously drunk at 3 in the afternoon?" John said. "I have nothing else going for me." he said missing the chair. Johns sighed and helped him up. "Get the hell off of me." he yelled. "watch your mouth." john said grabbing Ryan off the floor. Ryan swung and hit the side of John's face. "Hey. Both of you chill." I said standing in between they two of them. Billie took Sarah outside as Lauren came to calm down John. "Don't do anything you'll regret." She said. "Too late for that one. He married you." Ryan said. "Ryan enough. Why don't you leave." I said. "Why are you still stringing Billie along when we all know you're cheating on her." He said. "Leave!" John yelled. "Fuck you all." He said and stumbled out. He slammed the door. "I wasn't aware that I was cheating?" I said. John laughed and Lauren walked outside. He sighed. Billie walked back inside. "John?" i asked. He stormed off. Lauren was sitting outside with sarah. "what happened?" she asked. "Honestly a lot." I said. "will you distract sarah while I talk to Lauren please?" Billie nodded. "Okay." She said confused. "I'll explain later." I said.

"So what happened?" Billie asked while we were on the way home. "Ryan was really drunk and said some things he shouldn't of." I said. Billie nodded. "Oh." she said. "so when Lauren first got pregnant, John had second thoughts and they got into a fight. He never regretted it though. he was just scared." I said. Billie nodded. "and then he accused me of cheating. Which isn't true. So i'm not really sure what his problem is. But he need to reevaluate his life." I said. Billie grabbed my hand. "I love you." she said. "I love you so much more." I sighed. Billie kissed my cheek.

Four months later

Billie laid in bed trying to get a little bit of sleep. I sat beside her and rubbed her lower back. She moaned in response. "That feels so nice." She sighed. I kissed her cheek. "Here's a heating pad." I said. "I don't deserve you." She said. She ended up passing out in five minutes.

I made my way back into the living room. Billie was due at any moment. There was a soft knock on the door. I opened it to see Maggie. "Hey." She smiled. "Hey." I said softly. She walked in. "She finally fell asleep" I said. She smiled and nodded. "And how are you?" She asked. "Good. Nervous." I said. "Why?" She asked. I shook my head. "Well. I bought some more stuff for the room." She said. We walked into the nursery. "You're going to be a great mom." She said smiling. I smiled. "There's just a lot." I said. "I understand. You and Billie make a great team. Parenting isn't easy but just work together. Love them. Love Billie. And everything is going to work out." She said. I hugged her. "Thank you." I said. I heard Billie stumble into the hallway. "Baby?" She asked. "Mamas? You okay?" I asked approaching her. "Yeah. Just wondering where you were." She smiled. I let out a breath. Maggie poked her head out from the nursery. "Come see what i got." She said.

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