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The next morning I woke up with my head pounding. I groaned and sat up. Billie was sitting up, scrolling through her phone. She looked over and smiled. "Good morning." She chirped. "Morning." I mumbled laying back down. "How ya feeling?" She said. "Like I've cried for 5 days." I said. She laughed. "Well take some Tylenol and drink some water. I have something planned today." She said. I pulled myself onto her lap. "We could just stay in bed and cuddle and sleep and watch t.v. and..." she laughed cutting me off. "Come on. You'll love it." She kissed my forehead. I smiled. I slowly got out of bed. "Do you remember anything from last night?" She asked. "Not really. I feel like I sang to you?"
I asked. She nodded and looked at her hands. "Anything else?" She asked. "Oh no. What did I do?" I asked. She shook her head. "Nothing bad." "Did i say something embarrassing?" I whispered. "I feel like I did. You're acting awkward." I said taking a sip of water to wash down the Tylenol. "Nothing like that." She said. "You told me you're in love with me." She said. I smiled and chuckled a little bit. "I guess the saying 'a drunk mans words is a sober mans thoughts.'" Billie smiled to herself not looking at me. "Well it's true." I said approaching her. She still looked down. I raised her face so I could look at her. I kissed her softly and she kissed me back. "I love you too" she said. I smiled.

Me and billie walked down the street hand I hand. "So where are we going?" I asked. She smiled. "You'll see." She said. I chuckled. "What?" She asked. "Nothing. You're just acting strange." I said. We walked into a record shop and she immediately dropped my hand. "Billie! What's happening girl!" A guy said. "What are you guys doing here?" She said walking over to hug them. I watched as she embraced a guy and his hand a little too close to her ass. "Ay! Who's your friend?" Another guy asked. "This is my girlfriend, y/n." She said turning to me smiling. "Oh! What's up girl!" I smiled and Billie stood back beside me. "This is devin and Roy." She said. "Hi." I said. "I see you two are finally official." Roy said. "Yep." Billie said. "Cool." Devin said. "Uh well we have a kickback at treys place if you two wanna pull up." Roy said. "I'll text you the address." Billie nodded and walked to a section of records. You followed her and devin did too. "See you guys later." Roy said. "So what's happening?" Devin asked. "Nothing. Just hanging with my girl!" She said. I looked through some records as they talked and caught up.

We had been in the store for almost and hour. Devins phone buzzed and he said he had to go. As he walked out Billie turned to me and smiled. "Let's go." She said pulled on my hand. We walked down the street and she grabbed my hand again. "So why did you drop my hand with them?" I asked. "I don't know. It's not like I didn't tell them about you." I said. "Aw. You told people about me?" She looked at me. "You didn't?" She asked. "The only people I care about already knew about you." I said. "She smiled. "Your family?" She asked. "I don't talk to them." I said. "I practically lived with Lauren my high school years." She frowned. "Don't worry about it. Our wedding will just be small." I said pushing her with my shoulder. She gave me a small smile.

We walked around the city for a while, went shopping, and eventually made our way to get ice cream. We walked back to her car. "Today was fun." I said. "Glad you had fun." "So where to now?" I asked. "My place. I have to show you something." She said. I nodded.
Billie was quiet. I stared out the window lost in thought. "I have a question." She said. "Shoot." "How many relationships have you been in?" She asked. "Serious? You're my second." I said. She nodded. "Okay. I have a question." I said. "Hmm?" "Whats exactly your sexuality?" I asked. "Bi." She said. "Okay have you've ever been with a guy?" She asked. "Hell no! Dicks weird." "Okay but-" she stopped. "Have you been with a guy?" I asked. "Yeah. Like three." She said. I looked over at her. "So you've never been penetrated?" She asked. I choked. "No. I guess not." "Dildo?" She asked. "No." I said with a laugh. She looked at me. "Well that's how I masterbate. What the fuck do you do? Use your fingers?" She said. I looked at her with my mouth opened. "What?" She asked. "I'm a top remember." "Yeah? Have you ever tried it?" She asked. "On myself? No. I've fucked girls with a strap on before." I said and billie bite her lip. "You want me to fuck you with a strap on?" I asked. She looked st me. "I mean you have the dildo. I'll go buy the strap."
I said. "Wait actually. I already have one." She shrugged. I shook my head. "What else are you into?" I asked. "Hmm. I liked being choked." She said as we got to her house and I got out. I didn't say anything to her response. "No ones home right now." She whispered grabbing my ass. "Your brother is here." I said. "Guess we'll have to be quiet." She said walking into her house.

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