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Time skip
Me and billie had to go back on tour eventually. We ended up going at the same time. "I'll see you in a month." I whispered to her. She hugged me tighter. "Love you! I'll see you soon." She whispered. I kissed her forehead. "Love you more."

We played our first show. We had to move arenas around because we opened up more tickets and completely sold out. "That shit was amazing." John said. I smiled. "It was." Billie called me and we talked until we both fell asleep.

Time skip (I'm lazy soz)
"Our last show!" John yelled. We danced around excitedly. Ryan slumped on the couch. "I'm gonna miss it." He said. "I mean I am too but I'm ready to go home and see my daughter and wife. Sleep in my own bed." John laughed. "There will be another tour" I shrugged. "At least you guys have somebody." He sighed. "I could of told you that wasn't gonna work out." I said. "Alright you two. We go on in four hours. Chill." John said. I shrugged. "Let's make a toast." He said

"Okay on a serious note, guys thanks for understanding. We didn't want to push the tour back but life happens. We love you all." I spoke while we started to play. "Thank you for rocking with us. We'll see you all again very soon." We played out last song and ended the show.

I was helping pack up. Ryan stood on his phone. He rolled his eyes. "You good over there?" John asked. "Yeah." He sighed. I watched him for a second before he walked away. John shrugged.
We finished packing and got everything in the truck. "I can't wait to go home." I sighed. John smiled. "Are you going to Billie's last show tomorrow?" He asked. "If I make it in time. I'm planning on surprising her." I said. He nodded. He wrapped me in a hug. "Be safe. I'll talk you later." He said. "I will. Give Lauren a big hug for me." And with that I left for the airport.

I pushed through the door. Finneas picked up from the airport. He sat my bag down and slumped on my couch. "I do not miss that." He huffed. I laughed. I handed him a water and sat next to him. "You coming to the show?" He asked. I nodded. "Good she misses you." I smiled. "I gotta ask you something." I said. "Okay?" I stood up and walked to my bedroom. "Do you think she'll like this?" I asked handing him a small box. He opened it and smiled. "You're spot on. She's gonna love this." He smiled. "When are you gonna ask her?" "Not sure. I wanna wait but I know she's the one. I want the moment to be special." I said. He nodded. "Well. She loves you so much and I think any moment is a good moment." He said. I smiled. "You wanna get changed and come to dinner with me and Claudia before the show?" He asked. "Yes." I said.

I sat at dinner with Claudia and Finneas and talked about tour and future projects. It was nice to hear Finneas opinion and get his advice on stuff. We talked through the start of the show. "Shit we're gonna be late late." Finneas said.

We rushed into the vip section. Some fans called out my name and I smiled and waved. The whole section started yelling my name. I walked over to shush them. I took a few selfies and signed a few thing. The lights dimmed and I heard her voice. I made my way back to Finneas as the show started.

I sang along with her and swayed to the beat. She was amazing. I smiled at some of the fans in the other section. I walked over to them and danced and sang with them.

Towards the end of the show Finneas ushered me backstage. Billie was talking in between her last two songs. We reached the edge of the stage as she spoke "I miss my girlfriend guys." The crowd cheered and some begin to yell. "She's here?" Billie looked out at the crowd confused. "She's across the country right now. She can't be." The crowd chanted my name. She spoke again and the crowd became quiet. "This is the last song of the tour. I love you all. I'll see you again very soon." Finneas nudged me. "She's clueless." He laughed.

Billie came off stage looking at her phone. I followed her. Finneas laughed and she looked at him. "What?" She asked giving him a hug. "Nothing." She looked at him confused. "I'm too tired for this." She said. "Well. Let's go home then." I spoke. She wipped around and stumbled a bit. I reached out to grab her. "You're so clumsy." I laughed. She smiled. And wrapped her arms around my neck. "You're annoying." She whispered. "Why?" I asked. "I didn't know you were coming." "Surprise! Love you!" I said kissing the top of her head. "Let's go home. I'm tried." I said.

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