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Month later
"Y/n! Interview in an hour. We have to leave!" John yelled. I groaned and threw on random clothes. My phone buzzed. I grabbed my shoes and walked out into the hallway. "I'm so exhausted" I groaned. I saw a missed called from Billie. I cleared in and slipped my shoes on. "You look if." Ryan laughed. I rolled my eyes.

Tour started back up. Three more moths and I'll be free. We sat in hair and makeup, waiting to be interviewed. John went over the major points we needed to hit on somehow as we waited. "I feel like all of our questions will be about Billie." Ryan said. "Hmm. Better than you and your girlfriend." I said rolling my eyes. "Seriously. You're still mad at me for this?" He asked. I shrugged. John sighed. "Can you two just get along for the interview?" I sighed. "Also do you guys care if my sister comes to crash for a month?" He asked. "No. Not at all." I said. He smiled. "Is everything okay?" Ryan asked. I looked at John. He sighed. "Yeah. She's just going through some things right now. I'll explain later." He said. I nodded.

We stood in the airport waiting for johns sister to arrive. The interview went fine. Got annoying at the end. My phone buzzed and I looked to see billie calling. I answered. "Hello baby." I said. "Hey. How did you interview go?" She asked. I sighed. "Boring." She laughed and we talked until we saw johns sister walking towards us. "I'll talk to you later. Love you!" I said. John wrapped his sister in a tight hug. "Thank you." She said to him. "Guys this is my sister, Jessica." I smiled as she fixed her bag on her shoulder. "Okay." John said. Ryan led the way and I walked behind them out of the airport.

Jessica stayed in my room since I had the extra bed. There was no way in hell I was gonna share a room with Ryan. She sat back on the bed scrolling through her phone. I grabbed the bottle of wine in the fridge and poured a glass. "You drink?" I asked. She looked up. "Not wine. I drink the hard shit." She said. "What's that?" I asked with a laughed. "Liquor. Dark liquor." She said. I nodded. I took a sip and stared out the window. "So. Tell me about you." She said. I turned to look at her. "There really isn't much to say." I said. She pursed her lips. "Okay. I get it." She laughed. "What?" I said sitting on the bed opposite of her. "You're playing that mysterious card." She snickered. "No. It's just I'm boring." I said as my phone rang. "You're famous. How can you say you're boring." She laughed. I shrugged. I saw it was Billie. "Excuse me." I said standing up answering it.

Time skip cause Yeah.
A month had passed and I ended up getting super close with jessica. "I wanna dye my hair." I sighed. She sat up. "I could do it. I was a hairdresser for a while." She said. "Okay."
I grinned. "What do you want to do?" She asked. "I wanna go blonde." I said. She nodded. "That would be so hot." She said. She jumped up and slipped her boots on. "Lets go get the stuff." She said taking my hand. "We'll be back." She told John. "K." He said strumming his guitar.

I watched her grab the products we needed. "This is gonna be fun." She laughed. "Should I be scared?" I asked looking at all the stuff. "Not at all." She smiled walking to the counter. We paid and I grabbed all the bags. "Wait. Before we go back we should probably grab one more thing." She said. "What's that?" I asked. "Alcohol. Just in case i mess up. We can get drunk and forget about it." She laughed. I laughed.

We climbed back on the bus laughing. "Where did y'all go?" John asked. "I'm dying y/ns hair." Jessica said. "Oh god." He laughed. She pulled me towards the bathroom. "Don't make a mess."
I watched as she set up all the products. "Might not wanna wear that shirt." She said starting to mix things together. I took my shirt off and placed it on the floor. I grabbed the towel and dropped in around my shoulders. "Okay. Sit." She smiled. "Are you sure you can do this?" I asked. She nodded.

The boys left to go to the bar or something with the crew. Me and Jessica stayed behind. I ran my fingers through my now blonde hair. "Here. Let's not waste this." She said handing me a cup full of liquor. I took a sip. "So movie?" She asked. I nodded. She scrolled through Netflix until she clicked on some sappy romantic movie. I groaned in protest. She frowned. "What?" She asked. "I never pegged you as a romantic movie type." I said. "Uh. Rude." She laughed. "I don't mean it that way. It's just you're so i don't know." I said. She watched me for a moment. "Fine. How about a game?" She asked. "Okay." I said.

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