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"Y/n? Is that you?" She asked. I stared at John. "Wow. How have you been?" She asked. "Wonderful." I smiled. "That's good. I see your music took off." She said. "Yeah." A thin brunette girl walked next to her. "Honey. Our order is ready." She said handing her a coffee. "Who are you?" She asked me. I laughed. I stood up. "Her ex." I said pushing my chair in. "Oh is this the one that was obsessed with you?" She asked. "Ha. Funny. No I wasn't. She was a cheater and she still begged me to stay with her. I just finally got strong enough to leave her abusive ass." I said. She scoffed. My phone buzzed and I looked at the boys. "I'm leaving." I said. They nodded. I answered Billie's FaceTime. "He-whats wrong?" She asked. "I ran into Tessa." I said. "Tessa?" She asked. "My ex." I sighed. "Oh. Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah. She just told her new girlfriend I was obsessed with her and I called her a cheating Abusive ass." I laughed. Billie frowned. "Where are you?" She asked. "On the way back to the bus." I said. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Uh. Nothing. I'm bored." She said. I got back to the bus and climbed into my bunk. "Remember how we talked for like six months before we met." I said. "Yeah. It's almost been a year since we met." She said. "That's crazy." "I remember when I asked you to be my girlfriend and I thosught you rejected me." She said. "I technically didn't because we were together since we met in person. And I haven't loved anyone more." I sighed. She huge smile appeared on her face. "I wanna kiss you right now." She said. "I wanna do more than kiss you-" I said. She laughed. "Well. We're gonna have to when I visit." I smirked. I heard the door open. "Y/n?" I heard. I groaned. "What?" I yelled. "I'll call you back." I said to Billie. "Okay."

Two months later
We got ready for our last show before we took our break. "I can't wait to sleep for 3days." I groaned. Billie was coming sometime over the weekend. I was so excited. I tried calling her but she didn't answer. I sighed and placed my phone on the table. "20 minutes!"

Billie's POV
I hid backstage while y/n preformed. I watched in aw. I could she didn't have much energy. It took everything for me not to run out and hug her.

They finished and I sat on the couch in the green room and causally scrolled through my phone. I could hear her voice coming into the room. I looked and she had her head down looking at her phone. She walked to a table and grabbed a water with her back to me. I stood up and crept over to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she jumped. She spun around. "oh my god." She breathed. "Hi." I said. She pulled me against her. Ryan walked in. He smiled. She pulled away. "When did you get here?" She asked. "Around four." I said. "Let's go." I said. She laughed. We walked out of the back. She headed to the bus. "No no. We're in a hotel tonight." I said. "Oh." She smiled. She jogged next to me and grabbed me hand.

We walk into our room and she crashed onto the bed. I laugh and fall on top of her. "Ugh. I Missed this" she sighed. I rolled off of her. She looked at me. "I need to shower." She whispered. "Here." I said. I took off my sweatshirt and handed it to her. She sat up. You even brought a bag for me." She said. I nodded. She stood up and walked to the bathroom. I heard the water turn on and I got comfy, scrolling through my phone.

Your POV.
I let the warm water run down me. I rinsed out my hair and turned the water off. I wrapped my hair in a towel and dried off my body. I got dressed in a bralette and Billie's sweatshirt. I grabbed shorts and towel dried my hair a little. I grabbed my brush and brushed my hair out.

Billie was laying out on the bed. She smiled. I climbed on top of her and she wrapped me into her chest. "You smell good." She said. I smiled. I closed my eyes. "You love me right?" Billie asked. I looked at her. "Of course I do. I love you so much." I said confused. She nodded. "Why are you asking me that?" I asked rolling off of her. "God. I'm an idiot. I don't know why I thought anything of it." She mumbled. "What? What's wrong?" I asked getting worried. She showed me a picture of me and my ex. It looked recent but it was years ago. "What really happened when you ran into you ex?" She asked. "I called her out. I stormed out and i called you." I said. She nodded. I watched her. "Sorry. I'm just-" she said. "Billie- i love you so much. I would never cheat on you. I know how it feels." I said. "I'm sorry for even thinking- I'm so stupid." She said. She wrapped me in her arms. I breathed out. "That's a really old picture. I hate it so much." I said. I pulled away and grabbed my face. I smiled and she leaned in. Our lips brushed against hers and I melted. She attached our lips together. I wrapped my arms around her neck to deepen the kiss. She ran her hands to my waist. I pulled away and placed my forehead on hers. She still had her eyes closed. I kissed her lips quickly and pulled away quickly. I stood up. She looked at me confused. "What are you doing?" "Ordering food." I laughed. She grabbed my waist. "You haven't kissed me the entire time we've been together. I haven't seen you in three months." She said. I laughed. "We have plenty of time. I'm hungry." I said. She smirked. I rolled my eyes. "I don't wanna eat dessert before my dinner." I said. She kissed me softly. "I already got food." She said laughing. "Oh." She hovered over me and grabbed my hands to pin them above my head. "You're something else tonight." I said. "I missed you so much. You have no idea." She said. "Show me." I challenged. She smirked. She let go of my hands and ran them under her sweatshirt. I pulled her down so her lips touched mine. She kissed me softly yet it was full of need and want. She worked her way to my neck kissing it softly. She worked her way to me sweet spot. I let out a pleasurable sigh. She pulled her sweatshirt off of me. She stared at me for a moment. I became a little self conscious. She ran her hand down my body. I watched her. "You're so beautiful." She whispered. I pulled her sweatshirt so she'd look at me. I sat up. She looked at me. I crashed my lips to hers. She pulled back to breathe. I let a tear escape my eye as I laid back down. She instantly was questioning me. "It still gets to me." I said. She frowned. "What?" She asked. "You." She looked confused. "You have been the first person to tell me that I'm beautiful." I said."Mamas. You're unbelievably beautiful. I love you so much." She whispered in my ear. I smiled and pulled her to me. She grabbed my waist and began attacking my neck again. I let out a soft moan. My core ached for Billie's touch. I bucked my hips and hit Billie's leg. She pushed my hips down. I groaned. I started to buck my hips again but she placed her hand on my lower stomach. I sighed. There was a knock on the door. Billie sat up. "Food?" I asked. "I didn't actually order." She said. "You lied?" I fake pouted. She threw her sweatshirt at me. I put it in and billie went to go see who it was. She motioned to the pants on the floor. I threw them on. She opened the door and I heard Ryan's and johns voice. "Would you like to join us for food?" Ryan asked. "N-" I stared. "We would love to." Billie said turning to me with a smirk. The walked in. I gave billie a look and she smirked. She slipped on some shoes and I followed her.

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