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the next morning I woke up to Billie moving in my arms. I loosen my grip so she could roll over. I heard her giggle and felt her lips on my cheek. I smiled. "Good morning." I whispered. I opened my eyes and Billie laughed. "Morning." She said. Billie sat up and I placed my arms behind my head and yawned. "What do you have planned today?" She asked. "Apartment hunting and I have to write and record." She nodded. My phone vibrated under me. I reached for it to see Ryan calling me. "I should go." I said. Billie nodded. "Maybe we can go to dinner tonight or something?" She asked. I nodded. "I'll text you." I said. She got off the bed and slipped pants back on. I slipped my shoes on. She looked at me sadly. "Come here." I said. I wrapped her in a hug and kissed her softly. "Have a good day." I whispered. She smiled. "See you later." She said.

I walked back into the hotel room and Lauren greeted me. She looked at my face and laughed. "What?" I asked. "You're late." Ryan said. "It's literally 9 o'clock." I said slipping my shoes off. "Oh well i finished editing the video." He said. "Cool. Did you post it yet?" I asked. "Not yet." "I'm gonna grab a quick shower." I said.

Time skip
We were on our way to a small studio to record a few videos/record for Spotify. As we waited I looked at apartments. "This one is a fair price and it's not that far from anything." I said. "Well let's check it out." Jason said. "Okay. I'll contact the office." "I starving." Lauren groaned. "We're going out after this." Ryan said. "I think Billie wanted to do dinner." I said. "She can't come with us? Or is it a date?" He mused. I rolled my eyes. "Okay guys sorry for the wait. You guys can start if you want." We nodded and got into the booth. Ryan started the cord and I started to sing only love by pvris. "This song makes me cry." I heard Lauren say. As we finished we played it back and it was perfect. "What else are we recording?" Jason asked. "Are we still covering one of Billie's songs?" Ryan asked. "I was thinking we can do that live." I said. They nodded. "Lets do an original." Ryan said.

After we record five songs, Billie texted me.
Billie: still on for dinner? Finneas wants to tag along.
Me: I Actually was going to invite you with us :)
Billie: oh :)
Me: Finneas can come too!
"Don't freak out but Finneas and Billie might come to dinner."
Me:  I'll let you know where. We're thinking 6:30
Billie: Okay:)
"Actually he is coming." I said. "What?! Okay we have to go! I need to shower and get ready." Ryan said. "He has a girlfriend." I said. Lauren laughed. Ryan scoffed. I shrugged. "You're a little too excited." I said.

We ended up going to this small Italian restaurant. We waited outside for Billie and Finneas to arrive. Lauren and Jason were being cute and I watched them with a smile. Billie pulled up and she hopped out of the car. "Hello love." She said giving me a hug. "Hello." I smiled. Finneas smiled and hugged me too. "This is Lauren, my best friend. Jason and Ryan." I said. "We've met." They said to Ryan "but it's nice to meet again. And you two."  Billie said. She looked at me and smiled. "I'm starving. Let's go eat!" I said. We all filed in. "Table for six." I said. The hostess nodded. I sat in between Billie and Finneas and Jason sat across from me. Ryan had a smile on his face. I shot him a look and he shrugged. Billie nudged me and I looked over at her. "How was writing?" She asked. "We actually just recorded today." I said. "I saw the new video. It was good." Finneas said. "Thank you!" I said. "Who edits?" He asked. "Ryan." I said. He looked over at Ryan and said something but Billie nudged me again. "You have plans after this? I wanna take you somewhere." Billie asked. "I don't." I said. She smiled. Lauren watched us. I made eye contact and she raised her eyebrow. Billie's phone vibrated and she looked at it and started typing. "She's in love." Lauren mouth. "With me?" I mouth. "Duh." Jason nudged her and shook his head. Billie looked back at me and smiled.

We all ordered and everyone was talking about something. I watched Billie for a while and she glanced at me. I smiled at her. She leaned into me slightly. I put my arm around her and she blushed. Lauren raised her eyebrows. Jason copied me and kissed Lauren's temple. I let out a low laugh and Ryan coughed. I shot my eyes at him and Finneas picked up on what was happening. "If I knew this was going to be a love fest I would of brought my girlfriend." Finneas laughed. I looked over at him and smiled.

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