Chapter 28

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I yelled as loud as I could before letting go of my anger by clipping the hair clip right on the middle of his stupid dick.


"You think your dick is gold or something?! YAH! MY BROTHER HAS A BIGGER ONE THAN YOUR TINY CHILLI YOU FUCKING CUNT!"

I stood up from my seat to give him a nice kick on his left foot; of course with my broken ankle. Because obviously it would hurt more if I hit him with this thick ankle brace.

Okay now I need to clear things out.

It's not like I've seen Yoongi's thing or something. I just wanted to break him down mentally that's the purpose of it okay? Nothing else I swear 😌

"Aish these goddamn perverts everywhere aigo aigoo get the fuck out of this bus pig" People in the bus started to shoo him out with a lot of punches here and there.

Huh you deserve that you camel 😑

I saw a few uncles get off the bus dragging that guy out; may be to the police station. Thank god everyones safe now.

After another few minutes, I could get off of my destination. I glanced down at my ankle brace to check if it was broken. I think my ankle has almost healed because it didn't hurt when I kick that guy.

I gazed down at my wrist watch. We had ten more minutes to go to our classes. So I quickened my steps up to my class.

Something felt so off guard when I entered the building. Like why the hell those girls were staring at me like I'm some kind of a national hero. But I decided to shrug it off simply walking away to my class. Because those girls have got nothing better to do than gossiping around. Before going in to my class, I didn't forget to pay a visit to the nearby washroom. Because damn I touched that darn thing I should wasg my hands ew.

"Wohooooo here comes our nationwide superwoman Mi Hwa Young! Everyone! Give her a round of applause for saving the whole female society from nutcrackers" When I finally stepped inside my class, Jimin announced out loud.

I think now I get what has happened?!
Did someone already recorded that shit and posted on social media?! Like the last time?! I mean who the hell is always stay stand by with the camera on?!

Well at least this time it's not embarrassing. Yeah I saved the female nation. Okay it's not like that asshole is the only pervert in Korea.

"Every girl should learn from our Ms. Hwa Young. Don't be afraid to raise your voice anymore girls! Here's your award for the superwoman of the year" Jimin exaggerated handing me a big packet of chocolate while others were busy clapping.

"Ehehehe thanks I guess? But wasn't that a bit overdramatic?!😅"

"Nah, you nailed it 😉"

I took the chocolate with a creepy smile. I saw Sang Hee was smiling like an idiot.

"Woah Tutu you're going viral on social media! That was a epic girll!!" Sang Hee exclaimed showing me that stupid video of myself attacking that guy in the bus.

"I mean who the hell recoarded this shit arghh!" I facepalmed myself finally bringing myself down to my chair.

"Whoever that was, he's the best!" Sang Hee cheered resting her palms on her cheeks.

"Anyways, what did that guy do to you?" I finally burst out my curiosity since it got into the topic.

"He put his dirty brinjal on my shoulder girl!! Eww I almost threw up that day"

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