"Chapter 17~Yellow Eyes."

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Third Person's POV

That night that they boys were dealing with Meg little did they know it was only a decoy for Ella to be captured. No harm came to the child but, Ella couldn't help but be terrified and wanted her Dad and Uncle. She was in a room by herself when after a couple of hours a man would come and the one thing that she was able to notice was that the demon had yellow eyes.

"Well, aren't you an interesting thing," He said as Ella only scooted back as far as she could.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I want to help you," He said but Ella still didn't have a good feeling about the man that was in front of her.

"You're going to bring me back to my Daddy and Uncle Sammy?" Ella asked confused

"No, but, I can help you with something even better," He said

Ella was confused and didn't understand what the demon was referring to. She doesn't understand what was going on and what he could offer that was better than her Daddy and Uncle.

"You want to help your Dad and Uncle right?" He asked which got Ella's attention.

"The best way to do that is to use the powers that were given to you," Yellow-eyes voiced

"I don't have powers like Uncle Moose," Ella voiced

"Yeah, actually, the power that you have is even better than your Uncle's powers," He voiced

Ella didn't know if she should believe the man or not.

It wasn't until later that night when Sam and Dean came badly injured only to realize that there Dad was there but, unfortunately not Ella.

Despite Dean's injuries he frantically looked for his daughter but she was no where to be found.

"Dean calm-

"Don't tell me to calm down Sam! This is Ella!" Dean exclaimed

"We were too busy worried about Meg that the freaking demon came here and grabbed her!" Dean snapped

"If that's the case Dean there's a chance that she is alive, the last thing that they wanted was to harm her," John stated but that made him feel worse.

What on earth could demons want with a five-year-old girl.

Despite after looking for their father for months, they knew that they had to split up in order to protect what family they had left.

Neither boy slept that night as they were worried about what could've possibly happened to Ella. Despite Dean being the brother to keep his emotion in check for his younger brother he couldn't imagine the thought of his daughter getting killed by the demon that he tried so hard to protect her from.

That was supposed to be his job and he failed. He failed her mother and now he feels as if he failed Ella too.


Four days later...

Ella was confused with all the things that the yellow-eyed demon had her do and nothing that she seemed to do seemed to even work. She didn't know why the man wanted her to try and lift objects without her using her hands. Not to mention that those objects would be too heavy for her to lift anyway.

Besides that Ella spent a lot of her time either by herself or with another demon that she obviously didn't know was a demon at the time. She was with the demon Meg as the yellow-eyed demon had ordered her to keep an eye on her to see if her powers would start if she wasn't constantly locked away.

The risks with that we enormous knowing that Ella could run away at any time or if she did manage to use her powers she could easily take out Meg without even trying. Traveled from town to town with Meg and if the kid wasn't as important Meg would've already killed by how annoying she was to her.

Of course, Meg wouldn't be exactly qualified to be looking after kids anyway. She needed the gun that John Winchester had been looking for and was ready to do anything to get her hands on it. Even if that meant giving away the kid for it.

While Meg was occupied with dealing with a hunter who happened to be an old friend of Caleb, Ella was walking slowly and slowly away waiting for her chance to run away from Meg. She gasped when she saw Meg slit the throat of the hunter Caleb and she still had the sharp dagger in her hand as she went to grab Ella but wasn't able to get a full grasp on her as Ella bolted.

For her age, Ella was very fast and apart of that had to do with her powers kicking in. She quickly kept running till she came outside and started running down the road where she almost got hit by a car but it came to a screeching halt.

"Are you okay?!" The woman exclaimed

Meg knew that she couldn't deal with the girl and the gun at the same time.

She knew that there would be repercussions but decided that she had to take that chance over the gun. The reason why this gun was so important is that it could take out the yellow-eyed demon with one shot and the last thing that they wanted was that to be in the hands of the Winchesters.

Meg cursed underneath her breath as she saw the car drove down the road. She felt that she would be able to catch up with the brat and still have time to get the gun little did she know that Ella had an angel on her side.

With Ella being able to escape he was able to keep her once again hidden better from demons. The woman drove to the nearest police station and dropped Ella off as she tried to get all the information that she could out of them which wasn't much, the only helpful information that she could give was her Uncle's name.

Luckily she didn't give her Dad's name as he was listed as dead after being charged with murder. After few phone calls later they were able to finally reach Sam Winchester.


Dean and Sam were in the car following behind their Dad as Sam's phone rang. He didn't know the number right away but thankfully decided to answer it.

"Hello," He answered

"Hello, is this Sam Winchester?" The lady spoke

"Yes, who is this?" Sam voiced as his brother looked over at him concerned

"This is the police station, here in Salvation county, and a woman dropped off your daughter here and need you to come and pick her up," The lady voiced

Sam was surprised but, told the lady that they would be there as soon as possible.

"Who was that?" Dean asked his brother taking his eyes off of the road for a second to look at his brother.

"It was the police station in Salvation county and they said that Ella was there," Sam voiced as Dean's head turned over to Sam so quickly.

"Is she okay? Did they say if she was hurt?" Dean frantically asked

"No, they said that she was fine just scared," Sam explained

Dean pushed on the gas even harder as they made it there with no time to spare. Due to the shapeshifter issue, Sam went in to get Ella.

She ran to him as Sam picked up his niece holding her tight. Ella buried her head in his neck still shaken up from everything that went down with Meg.

Sam left the police station as John and Dean were outside. Dean could finally sigh in relief that his girl was back with them. Even though it was only four days it was the most terrifying four days of his life.

Ella looked over to see her Dad and Grandpa there and she immediately grabbed for her Dad and he didn't have to be asked twice.

"I've got you," Dean voiced holding his daughter tight.

They still had the case to work but, Dean refused to let his daughter out of his sight. John was proud of his son and though this isn't the life that he wants for his boys at least he could see a glimpse of the life that they could've had with Ella.

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