"Chapter 27~A Winchester Sacrifice."

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Third Person's POV
Dean wanted so badly to have the hunter life and the life with Lisa and Ben.  Unfortunately, it wasn't possible it was never going to be possible. Dean tried that and it only brought the other pain.

Ella stayed with Lisa and Ben because maybe there was a chance Dean would come back but, that couldn't be farther from reality.

And it all came down to the last straw when Lisa was downstairs when a demon busted through the door.

Ella heard the crashing and immediately ran into Lisa's closet remembering her Dad telling her that there was a shot gun in there. She quickly ran into Ben's room as he was on the phone with Dean.

"Dad?" Ella voiced into the phone

"Ella, I need you and Ben to jump out of the window," Dean voiced

"Dad there's no way we'd both-, can't you call Uncle Cass or something," Ella voiced as she tried to hide the fear in her voice.

Before Dean could say anything else both Ella and Ben were knocked out by Crowley. Dean could only threaten Crowley that if there was a scratch on either of them that he'd raise Hell.

This was always Dean's worse fear and now it was happening. A bigger fight was brewing and it involved Cass working with Crowley behind their back in order to open Purgatory.

They weren't on good terms but they only hoped that he heard what was going on. After all he promised a little girl that he keep her safe.


Granted she's not the little five-year-old anymore she's nearly ten and is just as stubborn and sassy as any Winchester. One that was for sure was that Dean wasn't going to sit around, he was going to find them.

He tortured and killed any demon that he could find in order to find Crowley. It had been days and nothing has come up. With no leads Sam is desperate and calls Cass hoping that he'll hear him.

Dean wanted nothing to do with Cass after lying to them for so long and back stabbing them. He needed to find Ella, Lisa and Ben.

Even if that meant getting help from those who royally messed with their lives. After about a week with the help of Cass and an angel Balthazar they were able to find them.

The three were tied up, with demons constantly watching them. One thing Ella hated was the fact she ever put any once of trust into Cass.

He promised no harm would come to her but it's been a week and no matter how many time she mentally called out to him he never came.

One person she could always count on was her Dad and no matter how mad she gets at him he was always there to save her.

That's when she realized she needed to do the same. Lisa was being possessed by a demon and Dean didn't have the heart to hurt let alone kill her.

Lisa was choking Dean and all Ben and Ella could do was watch. That's when something resonated inside of Ella very similar to when she almost got kidnapped by angels.

Ella clenched her fist and closed her eyes and when they opened the iris of her eyes were bright gold.

"Leave them alone!"

A wave of energy escaped Ella as the demon in Lisa immediately left her and any demon in radius, a small light in the flashed bright orange before dropping to the ground.

Lisa was alive only unconscious as Ben ran to her mother side. Ella on the other hand could've been better.

Ella was starting to see double as her vision was blurry. Before she could pass out Dean caught her.

"Hey, hey, stay awake," Dean urged as he could see Ella's eyes starting to roll back.

"You're okay, just stay awake," Dean voiced

Sam had Lisa in his arms as they rushed to the hospital.

"I knew you'd come, you always do," Ella voiced with a faint smile as her eyes started to close.

"Ella! Stay awake for me please," Dean voiced his eyes filled with tears.

Sam and Dean quickly made there way inside the hospital as both Lisa and Ella were sent off in different directions. Hours of waiting was met with a little relief as Lisa was going to be okay.

Ella on the other hand was a toss up. The doctors don't know why but, everything was well and then she fell into a coma.

The last thing Dean wanted was for Cass to be anywhere near him. The only thing he needed of Cass was to wipe any memory they had of Dean and of course this included Ella.

Dean knew it was reckless and stupid to have put both of them in danger. He should've never came that night and now he was living to regret it.

More importantly he had to deal with Ella.

"Why won't she wake up?" Dean asked Cass placed two fingers on Ella and was slightly confused.

"Nephilim aren't easy to kill but when they feel threatened it's rare but, they release enough energy out of then but, shortly after there body shuts down as a defense mechanism," Cass explained

"So why can't you wake her up?" Dean snapped

"I can't, no one can, Ella has to wake up on her own," Cass voiced

Dean was frustrated and most of all tired he nearly lost everything that was close to him and now this.

"Dean I'm-

"Just leave Cass," Dean voiced harshly as Cass turned to walk away but stopped.

"You promised her that you would look after her," Dean voiced holding back his anger.

"She trusted you and you broke that," Dean voiced

After everything that stuck with Cass the most. He heard Ella but, he was too focused on opening Purgatory. This made Cass think about what was he truly trying to accomplish.

Ella was stable and there was no telling when she would wake up. Ella's tough she's always been but, this was uncharted for both the brothers.

The last Dean wanted to do was have a hunter's funeral for his daughter. The thought broke him in ways that couldn't be explained.

Dean wasn't going to lose his daughter and he'd make sure of that.

To be continued...

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