"Chapter 16~Kidnapped."

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Third Person's POV

The boys have been working cases back to back and Dean didn't understand what was going on with his brother and it worried him. The premonition that he was having were true which not only terrified Dean but also his brother. The next case that the boys were working was a possible werewolf case in Chicago, Illinois. A woman was found dead in her apartment and the strange part was that the door was locked and the alarm never went off.

Sam and Dean checked inside the apartment and were able to quickly rule out that they were dealing with a werewolf mainly because the lunar cycle wasn't matching up to the woman's time of death. As they went to do research at a bar of course while Ella was at the motel that's when Sam noticed that the same girl that he saw when he was planning on heading to California to meet up with his father.

Sam found that very strange that she would run into him and his brother and their be a murder less than twenty-four hours ago. Sam decides to keep an eye on her while Dean heads back to the motel to see if he could find any information on a Meg Masters and the strange symbol that they found inside of the apartment.

That's when after getting assistant from another hunter Dean was able to determine the meaning behind the symbol and more info about Meg.

"Did you find anything?" Sam asked his brother as he was sitting in the parked Impala outside of where she lived

"Sorry man she checks out, there's a Meg Masters in the Andover phone book," Dean informs

"I even pulled up her high school photo now look why don't you go knock on her door, and invite her to a poetry reading, whatever it is you do," Dean voiced as Sam only shook his head at his brother.

"What about the symbol any luck?" Sam asked

"Yeah, that I did have some luck with, turns out it's Zoroastrian," Dean says

"It's a sigil for a Daeva," Dean continues

"What's a Daeva?" Sam asked

"It translates to demon of darkness, they're savages, nasty attitudes kind of like a demonic pit bulls," Dean said

"How'd you figure that out?" Sam asked impressed

"Give me some credit man, you don't have a corner on paper chasing around here," Dean voices but Sam knew better.

"I called, Dad's friend Caleb, he told me alright," Dean voiced as Sam couldn't help but smirk.

"Anyway but here's the thing these Daevas, they have to be summoned," Dean says

"So someone's controlling it?" Sam asked

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying and from what I gather, it's pretty risky business, too, these suckers tend to bite the hand that feeds them," Dean said

"So what do they look?" Sam asked

"Nobody's seen them for a couple of millennia," Dean voices

"Summoning a demon that ancient, someone really knows their stuff," Dean says

"I think we've got a major player in town," Dean voices.

Despite the teasing that Dean continued to give his brother about this girl the case that they were working was definitely going to be a challenging one for them. Castiel has had his work cut out for him doing everything in his power to protect Ella but, being in the heart of the mess the Winchester brothers were in there's wasn't much else that he could do.

Without being seen Castiel kept a close eye on the youngest Winchester as the girl that Sam had suspected earlier was in deed in fact a demon. What concerned the boys the most is when Sam went to follow Meg what he was lead to was shocking as there were sigils all over the place as she was talking into a bowl.

Sam couldn't make out who she was communicating with but by was she was saying it was her boss and Sam knew that it was the demon that they've been after all along. With this information Sam was careful not to be seen or heard as he went back to motel to let him know the information that he had gathered.

Little did Sam know that Dean was able to get intel as well and he learned that all of the victims had one thing in common.

They were all born in Lawrence, Kansas.

Both Sam and Dean were shocked at what they found and the thought that the demon that has caused all this destruction could be here tonight. Dean called John to let him know that they had a possible lead and that they could use his help but, it went straight to voicemail.

Tensions were high between the two and Dean couldn't help but let Sam know the truth why he went and got him from Stanford.

"I want us to be a family again," Dean voiced looking at his younger brother.

"Dean, we'll always be family, but things will never be how they used to be," Sam voiced

"When this is all over, you've got to let me go my own way," Sam voices as he could see the pain in his older brother's eyes.

Ella had been there looking between her Dad and Uncle not sure what made them sad but, had a bad feeling about them leaving tonight. Right before they left Dean made sure that Ella didn't leave the room.

"We'll be alright, but I'm going to need you to stay here and don't answer the door unless that it is either, me, Sam, or Grandpa all right?" Dean asked as Ella nodded

Dean placed a kiss on her head before ruffling her hair so that he could at least see that smile in case something were to happen to him. He wasn't planning on that but, that's how the hunting life is, you make one mistake and that could cost you your life.

After a couple of hours Ella was holding her tiger when all of the sudden she started to hear banging on the door. Ella couldn't help but jump at the sound. She didn't know what to do as she didn't have a phone to call her Dad and even if she did she didn't know how to contact him nor Uncle Sam.

After a few minutes the banging seemed to stop as Ella looked towards the door but less than a minute later the door came busting open and the only thing that could be heard was Ella screaming.

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