"Chapter 21~ Left Out."

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Season 4 Supernatural Episode 4: Metamorphosis

"Dean you can't tell Ella that she can't talk to Castiel," Sam voiced

"Okay, if this Castiel person was an imaginary friend then yes I'd be with you but, this guy clearly isn't imaginary and the last thing that I want is for this him to be putting things in her head," Dean argued with his brother.

Sam and Dean went back and forth about if Castiel was telling the truth about who he says he was.

"Dean this is less about faith and more and more about proof," Sam argued

While the two brothers were arguing Ella went out of the house. She didn't like hearing all the bickering and it always was better when she was by herself.

"Ella," Castiel appeared

She looked up but the bright smile she usually had when he appeared wasn't there.

"My Dad doesn't want me talking to you anymore, I don't know why," Ella voiced

"Your Dad will come around soon enough but, I need you to wear this," Castiel explained before kneeling down to her height.

He placed the silver bracelet on Ella's wrist. Little did she know this made it nearly impossible for Lilith to track her. Ella looked down at the bracelet but, noticed Castiel was gone.

"Ella!" Dean called

Ella looked around one more time for Castiel but, he was clearly gone. Ella decided and headed to her Dad.

"Ella, you can't just leave without letting someone know," Dean voiced

"I wasn't far," Ella justified

"It doesn't make a difference you aren't allowed to walk off without someone knowing," Dean voiced

Ella didn't understand why everyone else could just walk off when they needed space but, not her. Not only that but, she was still in the vicinity of Bobby's.

Most of the time they were researching. Ella was kept out a lot of what was going on. It was becoming more difficult as time passed with the tension between Sam and Dean rises every day.

With Sam sneaking off to use his powers with Ruby and trying to hide the truth of what he's been doing from his brother ultimately came to a boiling point one night.

Ella was fast asleep when Dean had to follow his brother out one night only to find him exorcising demons with his mind along with Ruby. Obviously, Dean was beyond ticked with his brother and was ready to take Ella and leave him with Ruby.

Dean needed to blow off steam and he couldn't trust his brother alone with his own daughter. Despite the anger, he was feeling the moment he opened the door he saw Ella snuggled with her Nemo and tiger stuffed animal.

It always amazed him how no matter what Ella was always able to bring him peace. It was early in the morning and he didn't want to risk waking her up.

He packed up her things quietly before picking her as her head fell on his shoulder as her arms wrapped around his neck. Dean couldn't help but hold his daughter tight.

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