"Chapter 34~ Pre-Teens Just Wanna Have Fun."

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Ella's POV
"Dad! Come on what am I suppose to do all day," I complain for the fifth time this morning.

"Well, you should have thought about that yesterday," Dad voiced packing up his duffel bag.

My phone and computer were gone for a month. A month?! My phone I could only use when I was at the motel by myself and my computer I could just kiss goodbye.

"But Dad-

"Ella, get ready," Dad voiced

"Why am I even in trouble I was trying to help," I voiced

"Are you serious? Ella, you were about to go storming into a nest of vampires with a gun with no bullets," Dad voiced

"You went into a vampire nest alone too," I said

"That's not the point, and I wasn't alone and I had the right weapon to kill them," Dad voiced

"Well, you and Benny were already there so I wasn't really going in alone," I voiced

"So, next time all I need to do is bring a machete," I mumbled

"Ella enough, we're leaving as soon as Sam gets back," Dad voiced

I groaned as I got up and got ready. I don't get it I'm getting trouble for something my Dad literally did. He and Uncle Sam was hunting younger than I was.

The drive was long and I was bored out of my mind. If I had my phone then I wouldn't be dying of boredom. It wasn't until we made it to the crime scene.

"Stay by the car," Dad voiced as the two of them got out of the car to talk to the police and victims.

Ugh! I could help so much if they taught me how to hunt. To be fair Dad said to stay by the car not in. I opened the door and while the police were occupied I snuck underneath the police tape.

After that, I guess they thought I lived here since they didn't seem bothered. I noticed Dad and Uncle Sammy and from the looks of it another hunter.

They weren't paying attention to me and I started looking around and that's when I stepped in something.

"Aw! Gross!" I voiced lifting my shoe to see green goo.

"Ella!" I nearly jumped out of my skin as I turned around to see a rather ticked off Dad.

"I told you to stay by the car," Dad voiced

"In my defense, I am by the car," I voiced

"You know what I meant, stay in the car," Dad voiced slightly annoyed.

"Well, that's-

"Stop trying to find loopholes in everything, whether I say stay by or in you stay as far away from anything related to the case," Dad voiced

"You and Uncle Sammy started hunting way younger than me," I voiced

"That's because neither of us had a choice, we're not talking about this right now," Dad voiced

"Well then we can talk about the case," I voiced

"Ella," Dad warned

"Come on, I just stepped in this green goo," I voiced showing him.

That must've been something judging by his face. "Go back to the car and stay in it," Dad voiced


"Ella now!" He voiced sternly

"No, I'm not a **** baby anymore." I voiced stubbornly

"Excuse me? Who are you talking to like that?" Dad voiced taken back. I'm pretty sure I could almost see steam out of his ears.

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