"Chapter 10~No Place Like Home."

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S1 episode 9: Home

Sam and Dean were in the motel room as they were arguing about how they planned to track down their father. With no new leads, they were at a loss but, one thing that was alarming was the strange dreams that Sam was starting to have. He hadn't talked about them much mainly because the last thing that he wanted to do was to freak out his brother.

Right before Jess died he dreamed about it leading up to her death. The same thing happened to him last night but, the family that he saw in his dream he didn't know but one thing that stuck out to him was the tree that he had seen in front of the house. The same house that he and his brother grew up in.

Even leading up to the morning he was drawing the tree on the notepad that was in the drawer of the motel room. While Sam was doing that Dean was looking for another case and Ella was getting her breakfast.

She jumped when she heard her Dad snap to get her Uncle's attention but after noticed that the two weren't arguing.

Even though Sam wasn't really listening to his brother he was occupied in where he had seen the tree and that's when he grabbed his father's journal and saw an old picture of all of them next to the same tree that he saw in his dream.

"Dean I know where we have to go to next," Sam says as Dean looks at his brother confused.

"Where?" He asked

"Back home, back to Kansas," Sam said

"Okay, random, where did that come from?" Dean questioned his brother.

Sam did his best to explain the dreams that he was having but, to say that it didn't concern Dean was an understatement not to mention that Dean made a promise to himself that he would never go back to that house since the fire.

Ella was confused to see that her Dad and Uncle were so upset and wish that she could make them feel better.

Once again they were on the road much to both of the boys disliking. They knew that they had to check out if the thing that killed their mom and Jessica was back where it all started.

Once the boys pulled up to their old house it wasn't easy for Dean to not relive the same emotions that he had felt that night when he lost their mom. They went up to the door and knocked and after a few seconds, a woman answered.

Besides pretending to be government officials they were honest to an extent and said that they wanted to see the house that they grew up in. Ella held her Dad's hand as the place made her feel uncomfortable for some reason.

After hearing why the mother of two kids decided to move both of the boys were alarmed when she told them that she was hearing scratching and her daughter the day before saw something in her closet that was on fire.

Dean didn't know what was more concerning the fact that his brother was starting to have visions or that the thing that killed their mom might actually be here.

Emotions were high and the boys knew that they needed to make sure that thing that was actually at their old home was the same thing that killed their mom.

They needed as much information as possible before they stormed in their guns a-blazing. After leaving the house they headed to the gas station to figure out what their next move was which seemed like to get as much information as they could.

Ella noticed her Dad and Uncle were still upset and when she saw her Dad leave while her Uncle finished pumping the gas she got out of the car to see that he was on the phone.

After she heard him hang up she pulled down on her Dad's jacket. "Bean, what are you doing?" Dean asked put Dean was confused when she wanted him to kneel down to her height.

Ella wiped her Dad's tears away that he had desperately tried to hide from her. She then placed a kiss on his cheek, "Are you better Daddy?" Ella asked as Dean could only chuckle.

"I'm always better if you around, bean," Dean voiced picking his daughter up. Dean wasn't sure what he would do without his girl. She gave him hope in a world filled with monsters.

Once the boys left the gas station they headed to who was last with their father before the fire happened and who was there that night. There wasn't much that they could get since this was twenty-two years ago.

One person that they were able to find in Dad's journal was a woman named Missouri who they originally thought was a place that Dad was referring to.

They were able to contact her and they hoped that she knew something about what happened that night. Not only that but she was a psychic which gave the boys hope.

They were in the waiting room when she came out, "Well Sam and Dean, come on already, I ain't got all day." She voiced

"Well, let me look at ya, you boys grew up handsome," Missouri said to the both of them.

"And you were one goofy-looking kid, too," Missouri said to Dean causing Ella to laugh along with Sam as Dean was kind of offended.

"You must be Ella," Missouri said as Ella waved to her.

Missouri was an interesting psychic she wasn't like the others with their fake crystal balls she was very good at reading. By touching Sam's hand she knew that he had lost Jessica only recently.

From what Missouri told them she had help John in many ways after their mother Mary had passed away. She also had made it a priority to keep her eye on the house to make sure nothing went wrong again.

Over the past couple of days, she could say that she had been feeling strange energy coming from that house. One thing was for sure was they needed to get inside the house to see what was really going on.

After persuading the family to go out for a couple of hours the boys and Missouri were able to take a good look around the house and when Missouri got into the girl's room that had previously been Sam's nursery she could feel strange energy but, it wasn't the same thing that killed their mom.

It was two nasty Poltergeist.

They needed to be able to cast them out but, in order to do that they were going to need to put these small bags of angelica root, van van oil, and crossroad dirt into the walls but, when the sprits know what they're doing things were going to get worse.

They also were going to be running on a clock and didn't have much time. As the mother of two would be back before they knew it from the movie. Once again, Dean and Sam had to leave Ella behind as the case that they were working was too dangerous for her. At this point she was used to this but, she was always worried that they wouldn't return.

Just as planned the boys and Missouri took different sides of the house and planted the small bags into the wall but, as they did they nearly almost died from either electrocution or being choked by an extension cord but once it was all said and done the house was, unfortunately, a mess but, the family's life was more important.

Sam insisted that they stay the night just to be on the safe side that's when Sam could see the women as she was pounding on the window from outside. Both Sam and Dean ran inside the house to get the kids and their mother out of the house before the flames erupted.

They were able to get the family out of the house but they were pinned by the Poltergeist and they would've died if it wasn't for their mom. At least the spirit of her she once again saved her boys before fading off in bright light.


Next day...

The family was relieved that everything was finished and despite the damage, they couldn't be happier. After all that went down that night, Ella refused to let go of whoever she could latch onto. Right now, that was her Dad.

The last thing she wanted was to lose the only family that she had. Dean was walking back to the Impala to try to get Ella in her car seat while Sam was talking to Missouri. She knew that Sam was having these strange visions and wish that their father would come and help his sons.

One thing about Winchesters is that they're stubborn and that the boys definitely had a long road ahead of them. Another thing that she noticed that was peculiar was Ella. She couldn't put her finger on but something about her was special.

To be continued...

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