"Chapter 35~Angels."

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Ella's POV
To be fair it's been three days and I haven't gotten into trouble. I've been helping with research with Uncle Sam while doing school.

Yeah, I'm back doing online school. Maybe if I didn't get into so much trouble Uncle Sam wouldn't think I have too much free time.

I have about two more weeks before I can fully get my electronics back. Kevin has been working on the demon tablet since we saved him from Crowley. He's at a hunter's safe houseboat. Completely warded to keep demons out.

What was next after we closed the gates of Hell it didn't seem as if we would live a normal life again. But, that was still a long road ahead of us.

On another note, I couldn't wait to actually talk to Alex. I wonder what he's been up to?

I'm sure he's bouncing around from motel to motel. That's the hunter life anyway. Cass has been with us because from what Dad told me he wants to be a hunter.

A twist I wasn't expecting that's for sure.

I could tell that Cass felt bad for everything that he did. I don't know I could just sense it I guess. I've known him since I was what? Five.

Man, how has the time gone by so fast?

I can't help but think about my mother from time to time. I remember when I was in a coma and I saw her. I wish things were different I wish she cared more about me.

But if she didn't do what she did I would've never met my Dad, Uncle Sam, Cass, Bobby, or Grandpa. So is really all bad?

I mean yeah things haven't been perfect living with my Dad and Uncle but I don't want them to be. Craziness and all I love them all to death. I know that they would go to the ends of the earth for me too.

"Ella," I looked up from my homework to see Cass.

"Hey, Uncle Cass," I voiced

"You haven't called me that in a while," He voiced

"To be fair I haven't seen you in a while," I voiced

"Where's Sam and Dean?" He asked

"They're working with a hunter named Martin something about Benny," I voiced

"Anything I can help you with?" I asked

"No, not at the moment," Cass voiced getting ready to leave but he stopped.

"I am truly sorry Ella," Cass voiced

"You're still upset over that?" I asked knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Cass, it's not worth holding grudges, yeah I was mad at you but, you, Uncle Sam, and Dad are the only family I've got," I said

"So, try not to leave again alright," I voiced with a small smile.

"Alright," He voiced returning the smile.

"Then we're good," I said

He smiled one more time and with a flap of wings, he was gone. I focused back on my homework knowing it will be a while before my Dad or Uncle Sam will be back.

They've been arguing about Benny all day long. And as expected my Dad came back late but Uncle Sam didn't.

"Where's Uncle Sammy?" I asked as Dad walked over to the closet.

"Pack up your stuff we're heading out," Dad voiced


"Let's go, Ella," Dad voiced

I could tell by his voice that he was not in the mood to repeat himself. I sighed getting off the bed to pack up my stuff.

Great, they're in a mood.

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