"Chapter 31~ Faded."

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Ella's POV
My Dad was asleep and Uncle Sammy went for a run. I sat right on him hoping that he would wake up. I guess he had a bad dream because he jumped a little when he saw me.

"Is there any reason why I'm your personal sofa?" He asked

"You're comfortable," I voiced as he chuckled.

After a while Dad got and started looking at his laptop and drinking his adult juice aka beer.

Uncle Sammy eventually came back from his run and he was all smelly and stinky.I was laying upside down bored out of my mind because all I ever do is either sit at the motel and be bored or stay with Bobby and be bored.

It didn't even faze me when the next hunt I was stuck with Bobby. Don't get me wrong I love Bobby like grandpa but, I don't know.

With Lisa and Ben my Dad was at least a little happy. He seems sadder now. Uncle Sammy is better but sometimes he seems in his own head.

I know. Why can't I worry about what shoes are on Nickelodeon or Disney Channel?

By no means do I believe that my Dad and Uncle Sammy are intentionally ignoring me but, it only got worse when Bobby died.

I don't remember that day it all felt numb. Of course my birthday was pretty bad because we were still grieving Bobby.

But, yay I'm a pre-teen.

Shouldn't I be fan-girling over One Direction or something? Don't get me started on school. I'm almost finished with my eighth grade year which means I'll be eleven in the ninth grade.


I'm tempted to fail so I get "held back" I mean at least if I go back to normal school I'm not a complete freak.

I'm sure puberty has everything to do with that but, I'm not the bubbly six-year-old who carried her tiger everywhere.

I'm little more...okay a lot more aware of the hunting life. Now onto my powers.

They haven't caused any problems except when I get to sad or too angry. I'm worried that I'll flip out and actually hurt someone.

What if I hurt my Dad or Uncle?

I started to question if I was that much different than the monsters we hunt. I mean I've heard a hundred times that my power can exceed an archangel.

Without Cass here how was I going to control it?

There was a case in Bodega Bay. At least it start out that way. From the sound of it we were meeting some hunter named Annie.

We were meeting for lunch at the Pier Front restaurant but she never showed. Most people would probably not take much to it but, my Dad and Uncle are like most people.

I went to the bathroom and after washing my hands when I noticed how cold the room got. I could actually see my breath as the mirror in front of me fogged up.

I slowly back away but when I went to turn around I jumped as I was looking at Bobby.

"You can see me?" He asked

Okay, I'm imagining things, he's not real.

"Balls! I don't have much time, Ella I need tell about Dick Roman-

He vanished as I still am in shock from what just happened. I walked out of the restroom and made it back to the table.

What just happened?

What did he need from me?

"Ella? You alright?" I heard Uncle Sammy breaking me out of my thought.

I couldn't just not tell them. I mean if this is Bobby.

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