"Chapter 14~Faith."

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S1 episode 14: Faith

One thing about the hunter life is that at any given time something could get you and for this hunt that's what happened to Sam and Dean.

Well more specifically Dean. While fighting off a monster Dean had got caught in the crossfire as he got electrocuted after having tazzed the creature due to being in the puddle of water.

His heart was significantly damaged and the doctor doesn't believe he'll make it by the end of the month.

Ella understood enough that her Dad was sick and even gave him her stuffed tiger.

"Daddy are you going to feel better soon?" She asked

He gave her a painful smile, "Don't worry about me bean alright," He voiced softly rubbing her head. He couldn't tell his daughter that he was dying and though he'd fight the odds weren't in his favor.

Ella placed a kiss on his cheek, "You feel better now?" She asked as Dean's heart tugged even more.

"I always feel better when you're with me bean," He voiced making Ella smile.

She cuddled next to her father as he place his arm around her rubbing his thumb on her arm.

While Ella stayed with Dean in the hospital Sam was working on finding a  way to cure his brother and he was willing to do whatever it took in order to do that.

That's how he came across this so called Faith Healer. With not many options he was willing to do whatever he had to do to save his brother.

There was knock on his door and the moment he opened it he was shocked to see Dean. Ella ran inside hopping on the bed.

Dean was hesitant but Sam was determined that he would save his brother so they took the long drive to go see the Faith Healer.

Of course Sam didn't exactly say that until they got there and he was not having it. Ella held onto Dean as she was more afraid of getting lost in the decent crowd of people.

One man didn't seem enthusiastic about the man healer either thinking that he was a fraud. Being so young Ella didn't really pay much attention to all that was going on she only started to pay attention when her father was called up.

Or some would say chosen.

"Is Daddy going to be okay?" She asked Sam as she was worried about him.

"You don't have to worry," Sam reassured though he wasn't so sure himself as the man placed his hand on Dean head.

His eyes began to roll back into his head and the moment he collapsed Ella turned her head into Sam's chest. She held onto him as he rushed to check on Dean.

She regretted turning her head as she saw the fading figure of what she didn't realize was a Reaper.

Heading back to the doctor to be checked out and Sam paced back and forth.

"So you really feel okay?" He asked

"I feel fine Sam," Dean voiced

"Well according to all your test there's nothing wrong with your heart no sign there every was not that a man your age should be having heart trouble," The doctor explained coming back into the room with her clipboard.

"But uh still it's strange it does happen," She voiced

"What do you mean, strange?" Dean asked

"Oh just yesterday a young guy like you athletic out of nowhere heart attack," She voiced as Dean's eyes widened

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