"Chapter 40~Stuck In The Middle."

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Ella's POV
Finding my Dad wasn't too hard. I mean anytime he's upset the first thing he does is go to a bar. So all I had to was track the closest bars from the last place we were at before he left.

After checking three bars I finally found the right one. Not to mention a twelve-year-old in a bar doesn't bode well with people either.

I was easily able to move past people until one of the waitresses notice me.

"Are you lost, sweetie?" She asked

I'm not a sweetie.

"No, but have you seen a really tall guy, kind of messy hair and green eyes," I voiced

She seem a little confused since that description wasn't anything special.

"Sorry, I haven't," she voiced

"Well thanks anyway," I voiced walking away before she could say anything else.

I looked around until I ended up running into someone.

"Watch where you're going kid," he slurred

"Oh, uh sorry," I backed away only to run into someone else.

"Well, if it isn't chipmunk," Crowley voiced

"Are you following me?" I asked

"Winchesters always thinking it's all about them," he voiced

"Why are you here at a bar then demons can't get drunk," I stated

"My shouldn't a eleven-year-olds be worried about other things," he said

"I'm twelve," I stated as he was looking elsewhere.

I wasn't sure where till I noticed my Dad sitting. I only heard Crowley mutter bollocks as I was already going over to my Dad.

"Dad!" He turned around just as wrapped my arms around him.

"What the hell are you doing here Ella?" He asked

"I came looking for you," I voiced

"I got that part, but you shouldn't be here, how did you even find me?" Dad asked

"It wasn't that hard, I knew you would go to a bar, one that's probably on the outskirts of the town before you left which narrowed it down to three," I explained

"You went to three other bars by yourself in the middle of the night," Dad voiced

"Well, when you put it that way it sounds bad," I said

"No matter how you put it Ella it's still bad!" Dad voiced

"I'm guessing you didn't bother telling Sam where you've been either," Dad voiced

Right as he said that his phone rang and of course it was Sam. Well at least they're talking now.

"Yeah she's right here," Dad voiced handing the phone to me.

"Hi," I said

"Hi?! That's all you have to say? You have any idea how worried I've been?!" He voiced

First off Uncle Sammy doesn't get mad so the fact that he is right now is not a good sign.

"I'm sorry," I said

"Sorry would work if you, I don't know, accidentally broke something. Not for running off by yourself without anyone knowing!" Uncle Sammy voiced

"I wanted you guys to make up," I voiced sadly

I only wanted things to go back to the way they were before. I thought if I found Dad then he'd have to take me back home.

I didn't mean to make him worry. Dad took the phone back and it was a pretty short conversation but, at least I get to stay with Dad.

I didn't even notice Crowley making his appearance.

"Come on, let's go," Dad said

I guess Crowley was coming along unfortunately.

Thankfully he wasn't in the awkward car ride. I know Dad was upset but, I'm the one who has to live with it. All I want is my family to go back to our normal.

I brought out of my deep thought when Dad pulled over to the side of the road.

"Come on," Dad voiced getting out of the car.

I was confused but got out of the passenger side closing it behind me. He leaned on the hood of the car and I was honestly expecting him to start getting mad again but he pulled me into a hug.

I hugged him back and I didn't want him to leave.

He kneeled down to my height before speaking, "You know that I'd never leave you, and I know the other night I bolted but, I'd never leave you for good," Dad said

"I know you want to help but, you're just kid Ella, I can't have something happened to you," Dad voiced

Dad doesn't cry but I could see that he was trying hard not too.

"I know, you miss being with us on hunts more but, if something happened to you again like it did with your mom," Dad stopped

"I don't want you to turn out like us, I want you to enjoy being a kid and eventually go to college," Dad said

"Why do you guys make it out like your bad, you save lives, you've both saved the world too," I voiced

"And each time it cost us something, I know it's hard right now for you with me and Sam and we'll eventually work things out like we always do," Dad continues

"But, you shouldn't have to fix our problems, I appreciate it but, that's not your job kiddo," He says

"But, when are you coming back home?" I asked

"It'll be a couple days just till we both cool off but I need you to promise me something," Dad voiced

"No running off like you did, I know you want to help but, you nearly gave Sam a heart attack," Dad says

"You could've gotten seriously hurt, or what if your mom decided to come and find you," Dad voiced

I looked down at my hands as I fumbled with them.

"Hey, you know I'm proud of you right?" I looked surprised.

"Not the stunt you pulled tonight but, for putting up with everything else going on," Dad said

This made me smile as I gave him another hug. "I love you, Dad," I voiced as he had on arm around me.

"Love you too, bean," Dad voiced patting my back.

I knew that he had either Uncle Cass or Uncle Sammy come but, I didn't want him to leave.

After about another ten minutes had passed another car pulled up. I was glad it was Uncle Sammy because I really felt bad about leaving.

I let go of my Dad and ran over and hugged him which took him back before he returned it.

"I'm really sorry for scaring you Uncle Sammy," I voiced looking up at him.

"I know you are bug," he says

Before we left I needed Dad to one thing for me. I quickly ran back over to him before he could leave.

"Dad I need you to promise me something," I voiced

"You promise you'll be safe," I voiced meeting his eyes.

He gave me another hug but this time place a kiss on my head. "I'll make sure to be extra safe so I can come back to you," He said

I smiled before going back to Uncle Sammy. Neither of them said anything to each other but at least their not fighting in front of me.

I was sad to see the Impala pull away and tried not to cry either. I had to be strong and I've got the genes because I'm a Winchester.

I just hope Daddy comes home soon.

To be continued

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