"Chapter 44~Red-Headed Witch."

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Ella's POV
In and out my Dad and Uncles but I was use to it. Unfortunately today was different. They usually come back before the night is out and if they don't they at least call.

Two days...nothing!

I was nervous that something happened. I bit my lip as I paced back and forth tired of  hearing the voicemail of my Dad and Uncles phone.

I jumped at the sound of crashing coming from outside. I immediately could feel my heart racing as I cautiously walked out of my room.

I walked out to the library and that's when I noticed a the familiar trench coat. I ran over to see it was Uncle Cass. He was knocked out cold, I obviously couldn't pick him up but I got him at least sitting up against the shelf.

I remember Uncle Sammy showing me how to check a pulse and I was relieved that he was alive.

I jumped back as he woke up gasping for air. I swear I'm bound to have a heart attack by the end of the day.

"Ella? Where's Dean and Sam?" He asked trying to get up.

"I was hoping you knew, they haven't been answering the phone calls all day," I voiced

He flinched in pain and I wasn't even sure what to do. His eyes were bloodshot and no doubt he was suffering from some type of spell.

Cass has been through a lot and I mean a lot. I can't think of anything else that would bring him this much pain other than some type of spell.

Without thinking I took his hand and with a little squeeze I started healing him. Small light escaped my hand as I noticed Uncle Cass start to relax.

I could feel myself getting light-headed but I was able to stay awake as Cass got up. He wasn't 100% but at least he was okay.

"Ella how did you-

He was cut off by the door opening and I practically jumped into my Dad's arms. It's good that he has good reflexes otherwise I would've fell on my butt.

I pulled away so I could look at them. I don't know what I would do if I lost both of them.

"Don't scare me like that, neither of you answered and I thought something happened to you-

Dad pulled me into another hug knowing I was on the verge of a panic attack.

I tend to ramble when I'm nervous or when they decide to go missing. One thing I did notice was the mark of Cain was gone.

Thank goodness that's over.

Reunion was cut short with Uncle Cass and I honestly forgot he asked me how I healed him. I mean it's not that big of a deal it would be the same if the roles were reversed.

Cass explained that Rowena was the one who put the curse on him as she wanted Crowley dead as bad as we did.

I didn't know who this Rowena person was but from what they were saying the curse or spell can only be removed by her.

Oh. Well I saved them the trouble of having to find her.

"Don't start looking at me like that, it was more instinctive than me knowing what I was doing," I voiced

I hated being the center of attention it made me uncomfortable.

If that was the only thing we had worry about because removing the mark caused a darkness to be released a woman named Amara.

I was confused to say the least. Not to mention even though Cass was healed Rowena was still in possession of a book called the Book of the Damned.

Book full of spells and one of the most powerful witches...yeah those don't go together.

I was relieved that they all were okay. Yeah I was able to remove a curse that usually requires one of the most powerful witches but, hey I'm learning.

I wish we could've done something more exciting though besides back to the hunting.

Not even an hour they were about to leave. I'm not staying in this Bunker just for them to go missing again.

"Dad please," I begged but he wasn't looking at me on purpose.

He knows if he does he won't be able to say no.

"Ella it's too dangerous," Dad says zipping up his duffel bag.

"But Dad, I haven't seen you guys in two days please let me come," I voiced

He glanced over and I'm sure it was because he wasn't thinking.

"Alright, fine, go get ready," He voiced as I was already running back to my room nearly running into Uncle Sammy.

I grabbed my bag from underneath the bed and started packing excited to get out of this Bunker and actually go on a case again with my Dad and Uncle.

Of course my Dad had to turn on his overprotective mode even though I'm not even hunting.

"Dadddd, come on, when have I ever ran off?" I voiced as both him and Uncle Sammy gave me that look. 

Okay, fine I have a tendency to run off on my own a lot. I only want to help.

"If you let me hunt-

"No," They both voiced which made me give up on even trying to argue you with them.

One thing I never missed was being cramped in the back of this Impala for hours on end. After what seemed like forever we pulled to a stop and since my Dad and Uncle were focused on the case I tried slip out of the car.

I'm joking I'm not that crazy, I'd at least wait, till I start sneaking off again. Once they went to go question one of the victims it took them a very long time. I was bored out of my mind.

The only exciting part was getting to sit up front because they were able to catch Rowena and them being there overprotective selves didn't want me anywhere near her.

Once back at the Bunker they took Rowena to be questioned while I stayed with Uncle Cass whose was fine before we left but as soon as Rowena came it was like the spell came back.

I only left for a second to go get me a snack and he was gone. I just had to be hungry. He wasn't anywhere in the Bunker either.

I went to find Dad and Uncle Sammy as they were still talking with Amara.

"Dad! Cass is gone!" I voiced as he and Uncle Sammy turned around.

"I hate to interrupt but did that child call one you Dad," Rowena voiced

Neither Dad nor Uncle Sammy answered her as they knew they needed to find Uncle Cass and quickly.

There wasn't time to even argue with my Dad about coming with them. The three of them were out the door within minutes. I wish they would let me hunt, I'd be good at it too.

Well I guess I shouldn't let my snack go to waste.

Hours later and they eventually came back but Dad looked horrible. He definitely got punched a good couple of times. Uncle Cass seemed back to his normal self.

They went on about Amara aka the darkness and how they plan to stop her. I wasn't paying much attention but, I could tell that she was someone not to be taken lightly.

Once again thrown right into another supernatural mess. Somethings never change.


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