"Chapter 30~Runaway Winchester."

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A couple of days later...

Third Person's POV

After retrieving the Winchesters from the hospital that was crawling with Leviathan they had to figure out what their next plan of action was going to be. With Sam struggling with what was real and what isn't and Dean with his leg broken after the previous encounter with the Leviathan at Bobby's, the hunters had a lot to deal with.

As Ella predicted they did have to move to Rufus' cabin to try and recover from what they had lost at Bobby's. Luckily the book that he had stashed was kept in other places. There wasn't much that Dean could do with a cast on his foot and constantly worrying that his brother was going to flip.

Ella was bummed that she was stuck doing online school and was definitely getting cabin fever. She understood why her Dad and Uncle did the things that she did but that didn't mean that she was happy about it. She was glad that she got Lucas's number since she could get Lily's number as well.

She was playing a match with Lucas on her phone while her Dad, Uncle, and Bobby were talking about anything new with the Leviathans. All they could do was make other hunters aware of what was out there and wait until they heard anything.


Ella's POV

Today sucked. Don't get me wrong I try and stay positive but, right now I'm annoyed. I was outside because they were talking about something with monsters called Leviathans. I was playing with Lucas online with the game that we played in math class.

Speaking of school. I hate online school.

They're giving so much more work than what I would've done in school. I haven't done much of it today and I'm totally fine with waiting a while before I start working on it. I was brought out of my thought when I noticed Uncle Sammy.

"Come on," He said as I sat up.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Supply run," He says

At least I get to ride in the Impala, "Does this involve candy?" I asked as we started walking to the Impala.

"You're just like Dean just with a candy addiction," Uncle Sammy says

The ride to the convenience store was short but once we got inside I was able to convince Uncle Sammy to get one candy of my choice.

I was in the candy aisle trying to figure out what I wanted when I noticed these airhead bites. I also know that Uncle Sammy is going to get my Dad cake because they didn't have any pie and news flash.

Cake is not a pie.

Pie is a thousand times better than the cake is on a good day.

They had these small pie-like things that you would order a McDonald's or something but it was way better than cake. Once we made it back to the cabin Dad was very excited about his pie only to find out that Uncle Sammy got him a cake.

Mind you Dad said the same thing about pie and cake not being the same thing.

"I swear you guys are exactly the same," Uncle Sammy says handing him the pie that I picked out.

"That's my girl," Dad voiced

Bobby went out while Uncle Sammy and I were going on the supply run. One thing that I overheard them saying earlier today before I went outside was about Cass.

Despite everything that he did I never wanted anything bad to happen to him. After absorbing the souls in Purgatory they needed to be released and amongst the souls in Purgatory were the Leviathans.

The very thing that was at Bobby's house. For the rest of the day, we pretty much chilled and it wasn't until later that night that my Dad and I fell asleep watching some movie. I think that Uncle Sammy was working on something on his computer before my Dad and I both fell asleep.


Next day...

I woke up to a loud sawing and of course, my Dad was cutting his cast off. Just a typical morning in the Winchester household.

"Is there any reason why there is this much noise this early in the morning?" I asked

"Sam left and I need you to stay here till we get back," Dad said practically limping to the door.

"I'm coming too," I voiced standing up

"Not going happen," Dad said

"Dad you're the closest thing to a senior citizen with your leg broken," I said

"Oh wow thanks," Dad voiced sarcastically

"Please Dad," I begged to give him my puppy dog face

"Ella, don't look at me like that," Dad voiced

After a few more minutes my Dad eventually caved in, "Alright fine-

"Thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed giving him a hug before rushing off to get ready.

I don't know where Uncle Sammy went but, it probably has to do with something he saw in the newspaper.  Maybe he found a case or something?

"Did Sam pick anything up while he was here?" Dad asked as we walked into the convenience store.

"I mean we got snacks," I said as my Dad gave me an "are you serious look."

"Um, he seemed pretty invested in the newspaper yesterday," I said

That caught my Dad's attention as he asked the cashier for yesterday's newspaper and from the looks of it did have something to do with a case.

While my Dad was retracing Uncle Sammy's steps I made sure to keep a mental note if I ever decide to sneak out for any reason.


Don't take my Dad's car because he'll probably kill me


No matter what I do I'll never be able to successfully sneak out. Mind you I'll have Dad and Uncle Sammy hunting me down if I ever tried to pull something as sneaking out.

I mean my Dad was able to find out the exact motel that my Uncle was staying at. Another thing that also should be noted is to never and I mean NEVER steal the Impala.

They were talking about the case and mind you, I'm supposed to be in bed, it's not like I'm ten or something.

Well, I am ten but, I'm not a baby either.

"When has anything in our lives ever been easy," Uncle Sammy voiced

"He's not wrong," I added

"Ella," Both Dad and Uncle Sam voiced 

"You said that I had to be in bed and I am," I voiced sitting up.

"You know what I meant," Dad said turning around with his arms crossed over his chest.

I groaned as rolled back over facing away from my Dad and Uncle. How do they expect me to sleep when they're being so loud. Besides maybe actually hunting isn't my thing but, I would be good at the research part.

It's not even worth arguing over because I won't win. Besides I'm right anyway.  I didn't butt into any more of their conversations and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning I'm assuming Dad and Uncle Sammy resolved whatever needed to be resolved. We spent most of the day on the road until we stopped at another motel before meeting up with Bobby tomorrow.

At least that's all for today...

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