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The trail's day finally arrived; Ivy was a nervous wreck; she was biting her nails and pacing the room. Jody had to physically sit Ivy down to get her to calm down.

"What if I mess up and they get let go?' Ivy asked, looking at Jody, worry in her voice.

"They won't. I promise it's an open and shut case. This is to scare you, that's all," Jody said, reassuring Ivy that everything was going to be ok.

"I no scared anymore." Ivy sighed and rubbed her face, "I am not scared anymore," she corrected herself.

"That's right, you have no reason to be scared," Jody said, smiling.

"Dean and Cas and Jimmy be there?" Ivy asked. She was excited to see them and extremely nervous that they would be mad at her for lying to them for all these months.

"Yes, they will be there," Jody said with a smile.

Jody asked ivy if she was ready. She grabbed the keys to her car and everything else they needed packing up Ivy's things the night before and loading them into the car, so when everything was done, she could go home with her boys. Ivy alternated between chewing on her thumb and flipping through her flashcards as they drove to the courthouse; Jody pulled up behind the courthouse turning the car off and getting out; she waited for Ivy who didn't move. Jody walked around and opened the door. Leaning in, she looked at Ivy.

"You will be ok; you can do this," Jody said, kneeling to get Ivy to look at her.

"Wanna see Dean," Ivy said, not looking at Jody.

"I know, but you have to wait just a little bit longer, ok?" Jody said.

"Fine," Ivy said, unbuckling her seatbelt and following Jody inside.

They headed to the judge's chambers, where ivy would wait until she was called to the stand. Jody headed out of the room, and she spotted the boys, making her way over to talk to them.

"Hey guys," Jody called out as she walked up to them.

"Hey, Jody," Dean said, turning toward the sheriff.

"They are going away for a long time," Jody informed them.

"I know. I just wish Ivs was here to see this," Dean said. Jimmy and Cas nodded in agreement, saying at least they knew these men would be hurting anyone again.

Jody gave him a hug if he only knew she was here, and she would see her tormentors of the last ten years were going away; they called everyone in to start the trial. They called a bunch of people trying to discredit Ivy saying she didn't complain, she never said no, but the DA had audio of Ivy saying no up until the time she stopped talking, and then when she did start talking again, they have the audio from conversations that Jimmy and Ivy had had when they were alone that they played for the jury, they had a video of Master slamming Ivy into the wall and hitting her,

"For my final witness, we would like to call Ivy Winchester," the DA said.

Whispered and shouting erupted from the crowd; the judge banged his gavel, telling everyone to be quiet.

"Your honor, you cant call the dead," the defense lawyer said.

"You can if they aren't really dead," the judge said as his chambers opened by the bailiff and Ivy walked out of the courtroom erupted again. The judge again had to quiet the room as Ivy looked at Jody for reassurance.

"It's ok, sweetheart, go up," Jody nodded.

Ivy nodded, taking a deep breath and walking up to the stand to take a seat.

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