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(0.00, the prologue.)

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WILL BYERS ALWAYS CONSIDERED HIMSELF A DUD. he wasn't like all the other kids. he was always being called names because he was different and easy to pick on. it was the farthest thing from ideal, but there was nothing he could really do about it. he wished there was.

his days were always the same. he felt like he was living in a continuous cycle that would eventually swirl him into insanity, and it felt like that day grew closer and closer.

one of the only things that had brought him the occasional joy and excitement was mike wheeler. he was perfect in will's eyes.

almost perfect, anyways. he was nearly there.

the one thing missing was for mike to like will back. it was selfish, will knew that, but he wanted mike to be his and only his. sadly, that neared impossible.

and when he realized that, when looking at mike, his smile would fade and the sadness would come again. his happiness was like waves, it came and went. it was just too bad that when it goes, it takes eternity to come back. the speed of those waves slowed as will's life went on.

mike was will's safety. he's what kept will alive, honestly, but will is moving soon. will doesn't know what to do after that. so he's trying to make the time before moving count.

whether he can somehow convince his mom to stay or convince mike that will's what he needs will be determined while time goes on, because the whole thought of leaving is scary, and without mike, it sounds even scarier.

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