chapter four

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 (chapter four, exhausting thoughts

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(chapter four, exhausting thoughts.)

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THE GROUP OF FRIENDS DECIDED ON STARCOURT MALL, EVEN THOUGH IT DIDN'T BRING THE BEST MEMORIES ALONG WITH IT. the arcade wasn't an ideal place to hangout, because there were only so many games they could play that they had already become the best players at.

jane and mike shared a bicycle together because the young girl hadn't gotten a bike, even though she did wish she could get one to transport to her friend's houses easily.

lucas and max shared a bike also. max had her skateboard, but if they were traveling in a group, she knew she would quickly trail behind.

dustin and will had their own bikes, and traveled alone. dustin was jealous, wishing suzie could be there with him.

will felt a different jealousy than dustin, he wished to be riding with mike. instead, he trailed behind the longtime lovers, and watched the whole way to the mall how they cared so deeply for each other.

luckily for will, the mall wasn't too far and they arrived fairly quickly. the mall had just reopened after renovations, so it was a busy mess.

the neon lights left a fluorescent glow onto their faces. their expressions were all over the place. some were obviously more scared than the others, like will, jane and max.

will began to drift off into space as old memories popped into his mind. it brought shivers to his whole body, the cold, airy atmosphere made his breathing heavy as the air thinned and will never even noticed. it was scary.

mike was scared.

the best friend of the byers boy unwrapped his arm from janes shoulders and walked over to will. he grabbed will's upper-arm with his warm hand.
"will? are you okay?"

will's head shook as he broke out of the trance he was in, looking around and comforted to see his friends. he pushed himself into mike's chest and put his arms around the taller boy's waist. will's hands were balled into fist because of how tense he previously was, but he wasn't anymore in that moment when he was with mike.

"maybe we should go somewhere else?" mike suggested as his arms were wrapped around will, but he looked over his head at the others.

will pulled his head from mikes chest which was extremely difficult. it felt like his heart was a magnet.

will really didn't want to ruin their fun, so he protested. "no! i don't wanna ruin this, i can do it. i'm sure i'll be fine once we start doing things."

the raven-haired boy put his hands on will's shoulders to push him back slightly, gaining eye-contact. "you sure?" mike questioned will's stability for this place.

will nodded, blushing the slightest bit at how long their contact remained. mike smiled at will's determination to go to the mall for his friends.

"last one to scoops ahoy pays for someone's ice cream." mike snickered as he ran off into the busy mall with a giant grin on his face.

will and the girls ran together. he immediately felt better once he got to hang out with his friend and let his mind rest from the exhausting thoughts.

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