chapter seven

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(chapter seven, forever broken

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(chapter seven, forever broken.)

‧͙⁺˚* ☽༓⁺‧͙

MIKE WHEELER HELPED THE FRAIL BOY INSIDE OF HIS OWN HOUSE. mike had his hand wrapped around will's as he dragged him inside, worried for his friend.

joyce appeared from around the corner once she heard the front door close. she was exited to see two boys at first, but her smile quickly faltered once she saw will in the state he was in.

she jogged over to her little boy and slightly crouched, wiping a falling tear off of his face and hugging him tightly. will's hand fell out of mike's and wrapped around his mother, squeezing her shirt as he tightened the embrace.

mike stood there awkwardly, until jonathan walked out of his room. he was originally going to put his plate away in the kitchen, but dropped the original plan to rush over to his brother also.

"what's wrong?" jonathan questioned mike.

"i don't— i don't really know. i think he maybe had flashbacks?" mike answered worriedly. "the lights started flickering in the mall, all of them. it wasn't normal, so i just brought us home."

"thank you, mike." joyce pulled away from will and placed a hand on mikes shoulder, pulling him in for a hug after.

mike was initially shocked, but hugged back. he knew she must've worried for her boy, especially after everything that happened. he felt so much sympathy for their family. they've been through more than anyone should ever have to go through.

joyce pulled away from mike, standing up straight and smiling faintly at the boys. "you're staying the night, mike?" she asked, hoping he'd say yes. she knew mike always helped will feel better.

"yes ma'am, can i use your guys' phone? i never told my mother." he asked.

"of course, go ahead. our home is yours as well." she smiled.

"thank you." he smiled back, walking over to the phone. as he dialed the number, he looked over at will sadly. his heart began to ache at the sight.

while mike talked to his mother, will and jonathon hugged each other tightly. once they broke the embrace, the older brother put his hand on top of the others head and ruffled his hair. "you'll be okay, buddy. you always have us." he said before patting his shoulder and walking back into the kitchen.

mike ended the call and walked over to will who insisted that they go into his room. mike agreed, and followed will, closing the door behind himself.

"i don't know what i'm going to do without you when i'm gone." will spoke sadly as he sat on the edge of his bed.

"we can figure something out. i'll make sure you stay. you cant leave." mike sat next to will, looking him in the eyes.

"my mom is dead set on leaving. what would we do when i leave?" will asked worriedly.

"we are lucky enough to live in a time with phones. if that happens to be the case, which it won't, we will call everyday."

the room remained silent. will didn't like that idea, he still wanted to be able to hug mike when he needed it, to have mike be there to back him up from the assholes in the new school he will attend. he wanted it all to be with mike.

"maybe it will be better." mike spoke abruptly.

"what?" will shot a puzzled look at mike.

"maybe you won't have flashbacks. maybe your mental heath will be better." mike suggested.

will shook his head, staring off onto the space in front of him. "i don't think this will ever go away. i think i'm forever... broken."

"don't say that!" mike scolded will for talking poorly about himself. "you're not broken."

will just shrugged, still staring at the same spot as before. "i'm not when i'm around you, but that won't last—"

mike wanted to stop thinking about will leaving. every time it was spoken of, it was like a piece of his heart shattered.

mike fell backwards, laying on will's bed. "i'm sick of all this bullshit! we should just run away together." he spoke, partially joking.

"that's a definite no." will let a laugh escape through his lips, smiling at mike.

"right, because you couldn't make it a day." mike teased with a big grin plastered onto his face. he rolled onto his side, propping his head up with his arm resting on the bed.

"shut up!" will laughed, shoving mike back over. "if you forgot, i survived in the upside down. the real word would be a piece of cake."

"pfft. you d—"

the boys were going to continue teasing the other for awhile until one gets frustrated and the other laughs their ass off, but joyce knocked on the door.

"yes?" will asked, upset his conversation with mike was interrupted.

"there's two bowls of ice cream waiting for you guys out there and the ghostbusters movie ready to be started up." joyce smiled. she wanted to do something for will after seeing how he was when he came home, but he appeared a lot better now.

all thanks to mike.

"really?" will asked, jumping from his bed. mike stood also.

"yeah, but i'm going to bed, so keep it quiet?" joyce asked.

"yeah!" will nodded. joyce smiled and walked out of the doorway into her own room.

"let's go, slowpoke!" will beamed, grabbing mikes hand and dragging him into the living room. their ice creams were on the coffee table and the remote was too.

will pressed play and picked up his bowl as he sat next to mike on the couch. all the lights were off and the beginning of the movie started. the smaller boy rested his head on the ravenette's shoulder.

he didn't move, not even once.

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