chapter five

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(chapter five, open style

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(chapter five, open style.)

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UNFORTUNATELY, WILL ENDED UP BEING LAST TO SCOOPS AHOY. jane used her powers to get herself there first, even though everyone ran. she managed just by walking.

will was stopped by a security guard and asked to slow down. will, being the obedient boy he was, walked the rest of the way as the man stared at him ultimately getting himself there last.

"who you paying for, byers?" max smirked. her arms were crossed and she waited for an answer, like the others. the group stood in scoops ahoy as will thought deeply for such an easy question.

will looked at mike who held hands with jane. will was planning on paying for mike, but decided not to once he realized mike would still end up paying for his girlfriend's anyway.

call will petty if you'd like, but he ended up paying for dustin. it's not that will didn't like jane, he thought she was actually a very sweet girl. he just didn't like jane and mike together.

"really, man?" dustin was pleasantly surprised at will's choice. he didn't expect his name to be said, honestly.

"yeah, i'll pay for yours." will nodded with a smile, confirming his answer.

the group got in line in their pair of two's. will and dustin were first, will purchased both of their ice creams and they waited for the others before sitting at a round booth.

the order of which they were sitting in was dustin, lucas, max, will, mike and jane. they all dug into their ice cream with their spoons. lucas and max ended up sharing an ice cream leading jane and mike to do the same. it was probably cheaper anyways.

"i want to... go to the clothes with max." jane spoke out loud, interrupting the silence between the group. max beamed, agreeing to go with her.

"we will probably go look at games or something while you do that." dustin looked at the boys. all of which nodded, besides will.

"i actually wanted to buy myself some more clothes also." will shyly shot down the idea.

"you could come with us, will!" max chirped which lead to jane nodding excitedly to the idea.

"yeah, okay. that sounds fun." will smiled sheepishly.

after their ice cream, the group dispersed into half, going on their own ways.

the first store they stopped at had half of the store as a girls section and the other as a boy. the two girls followed will, excited to help him pick out a few outfits.

"ooh! will, you should try this." max excitedly shoved a leather jacket into his hands. it wasn't his style, but he decided to try it on for her anyway.

the girls went through the clothing in the store and will acted as a shopping cart for them, they just piled outfits into his arms. will never picked his own items as the girls seemed like they wanted to only, but he was open to trying new things, whatever they ended up putting in his hands.

who knows? something new that will ends up buying might even impress mike.

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