chapter eight

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(chapter eight, no need to worry

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(chapter eight, no need to worry.)

‧͙⁺˚* ☽༓⁺‧͙

AS SOON AS THE MOVIE ENDED, WILL WAS READY TO DOZE OFF. mike moved, causing will's head to fall slightly before he jumped awake.

"come on will, you should sleep in your actual bed." mike tried to convince him.

will just hummed in a whiny manner. mike grabbed the small boy's hand and practically dragged him off of the couch.

will wasn't actually awake, even though his eyes were slightly open.

he stood, still having his grip around mikes hand. they went into will's room, and closed the door behind themselves.

will climbed into his bed, scooting to the other side of the bed to give mike room. will pulled his hand, and mike let go. not yet.

he placed the blankets on top of will, then climbed underneath the warm, soft sheets.

will fell asleep quickly, having an arm draped around mike's waist.

‧͙⁺˚* ☽༓⁺‧͙

WILL SHOT UPRIGHT ONCE HE WOKE UP. he was quickly comforted by the warm sunlight that flooded through his windows and to see mike snug up next to him, but his breathing was still fast. he dreamt about the mall last night, but with additional parts that didn't originally happen. it sent chills up his spine.

mike stretched before sitting up. he finally opened his eyes, blinded at first. once his eyes adjusted and he saw will, he quickly became worried.

"will, what's wrong?"

"i-i had a bad dream. a nightmare."

"was it about the thing?" mike asked, knowing that will would understand what he was talking about. mike wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not to mention it's name.

will swallowed hard before talking. "yeah, yeah it was. it was just like last night, but more happened. it was worse." will's hand shook as he rested them in his lap.

mike reached his hand over to grab will's. it stopped shaking once it was in his grasp.

"will, there's no need to worry. i was right by your side, okay? and i will continue to be. you'll never be alone." he comforted the younger boy.

"thank you mike, i wouldn't be here without you."

"i wouldn't be here without you either, byers. i love you."

those words hit will like a train. he knew they had friendly intentions, but it's all he could've ever wished to hear from those lips.

it made will smile, but cry inside. he wished it had intentions of actual love.

will sighed and leaned back into his bed. "it's still early, i think i'll try to go back to bed."

mike leaned back also, "me too." he said before closing his eyes and breathed heavily.

will stared at his soft features, the early sunlight hitting them just right.

will fell back asleep, peacefully that time.

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