chapter two

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(chapter two, destroyed

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(chapter two, destroyed.)

‧͙⁺˚* ☽༓⁺‧͙

CASTLE BYERS WAS WILL'S SAFE PLACE. if will ever felt upset, he'd go to castle byers. if he ever felt scared, castle byers. he could even be beaming with joy, which hadn't happen often for the past two years, he'd still go to castle byers. castle byers was always there for him when he needed it and he couldn't just leave it, it was his second home.

will put up the hood to his rain jacket and with every raindrop that pattered against his hood, it echoed in his ears. it grew louder and louder with more time he was out there and soon, it was the only sound that filled his ears.

the bottom of his pant legs were soaked and cold as they clung to his legs. every time he took a step in his sprint, water splashed up and it felt extremely uncomfortable.

he stopped in his trail suddenly, looking up at the sky. he saw the tops of tress which acted like a border to his view of the night sky. the only light was the star's and moon's glow on his wet, pale face.

maybe it was the rain, or maybe it was the tears that suddenly began pouring out of his eyes and trailing down his cheeks.

everywhere he looked, a memory peered into his vision. he thought of his friend's and family's history all in the small town of hawkins, and to be leaving it made it seem impossible to leave. his life was bound to be destroyed at this point.

will walked into his fort, grabbing a taped photograph off of the wall. he sat on the mattress that laid on the floor, clinging onto the picture with both of his hand.

will burrowed into the blankets that were sprawled on the bed, staring at the image of him, lucas, dustin and mike.

the way mike had his arm wrapped around will was the reason will genuinely smiled in that photo. he felt so safe in that moment, not having to worry about the flashing images of the mind-flayer in his mind. not having to worry about whether or not it was looming behind him.

oh, what he would do in that moment just to be wrapped in mike's embrace and fall asleep so soundly. he wanted to be comforted by the boy he was so deeply in love with.

instead, will wiped his eyes as he sobbed until he fell asleep. as his body went limp, the picture still rested partially on will's fingertips.

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