chapter three

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(chapter three, salt to the wound

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(chapter three, salt to the wound.)

‧͙⁺˚* ☽༓⁺‧͙

WILL BYERS ANXIOUSLY AWAITED HIS ARRIVAL FOR SCHOOL. he didn't want everything to be different with the news from last night looming over him and his friends. he hoped he didn't make anything awkward.

he biked into the school, putting away his bike as his friends walked in their group over to the small boy. his doe-eyes were puffy and red from falling asleep while crying last night, and he honestly looked like a mess. everyone knew he must've been hurting.

"hey, guys." will spoke. before anyone could do, or say anything else, max engulfed will into a tight and caring embrace. will was stunned at first, but eased quickly and wrapped his arms around her waist. he rested his chin on her shoulder and tried not to cry as she rubbed her hand in circles on his back in an attempt to comfort him.

as he hugged the redhead, he looked at his friends who had sympathetic looks plastered onto their faces. lucas and dustin stood side by side, frowning at the sight of a hurt will. mike felt his heart shatter and jane clung onto mikes arm, like he was her protector from any sadness.

will understood her, though. mike used to be his protector at one point. oh, how he missed certain parts of the past.

max unwrapped her arms from will, placing her hands on his shoulders. "i'll miss you, byers."

"it's not like i'm leaving today, madmax." will reminded her, shooting a nickname right back at her.

"i know, but we only have a limited amount of hugs left." she smiled sadly.

with max's comment, the curly-haired girl let go of mike, and clung tightly onto will. they had both been through hell and back, so they grew an unexplainable connection. will owed his life to her.

her arms fell to her sides and she backed away from will, he couldn't imagine how it would feel when he actually had to go.

and one by one, he got a hug from each of the boys. they were all sweet, but none of them could live up to the way he felt in mikes arms.

his ears reddened, but thankfully no one could see with the way his hair was placed. what everyone could see, though, was the way his cheeks warmed, the way his eyes sparkled and the way a smile planted itself on his face and it just couldn't stop growing with every second mike didn't let go.

the way he felt loved and safe. he wanted to hold mike forever, but knew that wasn't possible.

once the raven-haired boy pulled himself away from will, the bill rung.

"what a sad start to today." will reflected.

"maybe we should go to the arcade, tonight? or the mall? it's a friday, so i'm free." max offered. she preferred to be out of her house whenever she could, she was always looking for an excuse.

"sounds good, meet here after the school day ends?" mike asked for confirmation.

everyone nodded and the second bell went off. the whole group scattered off, heading into different directions for their first class.

as will was walking to his first period through the crowded hall, troy harrington rammed his shoulder into the small boy.

"watch it, zombie boy! quit being such a queer." he scoffed which then gained some laughs from troy's friends. they walked off quickly.

will cringed. those words were like salt to the still fresh, open wound. there was nothing he could do about it, no words he could say back, so he looked away from their direction and went to pick up the book he had in his hands before it dropped with the contact.

the halls were already emptied, which was sudden, but not surprising, everyone was always in a rush. therefore, will ran to his class.

once he entered, he slid into the open desk in the back, trying to keep attention off of himself.

"you're late, mr. byers." the snobby teacher announced in front of the whole class. everyone's head's turned and the stare's burned into will's skin. he looked at his hands that rested on his desk in an attempt to avoid any eye-contact. he knew that it would just make it worse for himself.

"i'm s-sorry." was all he could muster out. his nerves prevented any other words spewing out of his mouth.

will knew that he definitely wouldn't miss that damn school when he left.

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