chapter one

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(chapter one, shattered glass

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(chapter one, shattered glass.)

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WILL BYERS HATED TELLING HIS FRIENDS THE NEWLY DISCOVERED NEWS. he hated the thought of leaving town just as much, if not more, as the others did. it wasn't fair. every time it was always him, the one who was always getting hurt. and this one hit him like a brick wall. he was so sick and tired of it.

"you cant! we are the party." mike protested against will's mother's decision that him, nor jonathan, had any input into.

"i don't want to, believe me..." will spoke into the phone. he knew telling mike would be the hardest, but he didn't expect to feel the way he did. it felt like a heartbreak. that's why he tried to delay it for as long as he could and tell his best friend last.

"when are you leaving?" mike asked. frustration and sadness was laced in his words. he couldn't believe his best friend was going to leave him.

"i think two months. i really don't want to go. i cant, mike. i won't know anyone and i'll be the new kid."
will sniffled, bringing his hand up to his eye to wipe away the moisture building up.

"will, you'll be okay, you can always call me. i'll always be on the other end." mike paused, exhaling deeply. he was trying to not be upset and instead be a supportive friend. "so... you're really going to leave?"

"i-i think so. i'm scared." will's voice wavered. mike was about to speak, but will shushed him quickly once his mother started to holler.

"will!" his mother called him from kitchen. "dinner's ready!"

will threw his head back and rolled his eyes, groaning in the process. the last thing he wanted was to hang up on mike and go sit in the kitchen with his mother.

"i have to go eat dinner, i'm sorry for leaving so soon mike." will apologized. "i'll see you tomorrow?"

"yeah, it's okay. we can talk more about this some other time. i should probably go check on dinner, myself. i'll have to go eat with your brother, goodbye will." mike said.

jonathan was over at the wheelers, because after hearing the news he wanted to go spend time with them. will did too, but his mother wouldn't let him due to it being a school night. will thought it was unfair, but didn't fight it.

"bye, mike." will hung up the phone and trudged to the kitchen table.

he sat in the chair and looked at his plate, he decided he wasn't hungry. he pushed around the food with his fork, and joyce caught on to something being off.

she figured what was wrong, but still felt the need to ask anyways, it was a motherly thing.

"what's wrong, buddy?" she asked, putting down her fork and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"i don't want to leave mom, jonathan and i never even got the choice!" will complained.

she sighed before speaking, she knew that was coming. "i know, will, but it's what our family needs right now." joyce turned herself in her chair and she held his hand in hers.

"it's not, though. my friends are what i need. nancy is what jonathan needs! i swear, pain is just piled on top of me at this point when everything seems to be getting even the slightest bit better." will pulled his hand back into his lap, sighing sadly.

"i know it hurts, bud, but to piece together a broken glass, you are bound to get cut. it may hurt now, but it's what will help us. we need to get away from here after everything that's happened at this point." she felt pity for will, but believed she knew what was best for her son.

will took a minute to comprehend what she just said, and placed down his own fork that was in his left hand. he took the napkin off of his lap, placing it on the table next to his plate and stood up.

he pushed in his chair and looked at his mom with sad eyes. "id like to be excused." he spoke simply and straight to the point.

"yes" she spoke in a whisper and nodded her head. she was upset with herself that she made will feel the way he felt.

will walked off quickly, going into his room to grab his coat and walking out of the door. as soon as it shut behind him, he began a full sprint to castle byers.

he needed to get away from it all in that moment. he needed a break.

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