[[ Chapter 1 ]] Sneaking Out

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Night has fallen. The sky was pitch dark, accompanied by the little glimmers of twinkling stars and the glow of the big bright (ya guys happy now ??? XD) moon from high above.

Everyone was already sound asleep in their beds with their light turned off.

Everyone except a certain skeleton named Killer. Killer had waited until the lights of the castle had gone off completely which told him that everyone was now sound asleep.

It had been a very busy day for Nightmare and his group of Bad Sanses, namely Killer himself, Dust, Horror, and Error. Their plans to defeat the Star Sanses had been foiled once again. But Nightmare was determined to devise another plan to take down his brother Dream and his team once and for all.

Killer would sneak out every night to open up a portal to an AU called Outertale where one of his friend named Outer will be waiting for him.

When the last light from Nightmare's room had been turned out, that was Killer's cue to leave quietly and carefully as possible.

• Killer's P.O.V

I've been staring out of my bedroom window sill to check if the lights of the castle are all out.

Nightmare's room was the only lit room left and I waited patiently. I felt my phone buzz from my jacket pocket (XD).

I took it out to see that Outer had sent me a message.

Outer : Yow Kills, were r u rn ?

You : I'm coming. I'll just have to wait for Nightmare's bedroom lights are turned off.

Outer : Okie! Be careful, don't wanna get your Boss and the others suspicious ;)

Killer : Lol K ! ;)

Just then, I looked back at my window to see that Nightmare had turned off his lights. I smiled.

"And that's my cue to leave." I got of my window sill, closed all the curtains, and locked the door. To not make Nightmare, Dust, Horror, Error, and Cross suspicious, I recorded my voice to sound like I'm snoring quitely in a tape recorder and placed a body pillow on my bed and tucked it beneath the blankets to make it look like I was there sleeping soundly.

I then opened a portal quietly in the center of my room and jumped in to see my friend Outer.

As soon as the portal closed, I looked around my surroundings to find that I'm in one of Outertale's floating islands above space (?).

I was about to walk around when someone jumped at me and tackled me to the ground, hugging me tightly.

Startled by the sudden action, I looked down to find my good friend Outer Sans. "Heya Outy!" I greeted, smiling.

"Glad you came Kills ! I was worried slightly that Nightmare or one of the Bad Sanses had caught you." Outer said, lending me his hand which I gratefully accepted and pulled me up.

I gave him a reassuring smile. "Eh, don't worry bout me bud. I'm as quiet as a mouse." He chuckles. "Good. Cuz if Nightmare catches you, he'd be mad."

I hummed in agreement. Nightmare can be really strict from time to time. He wouldn't allow us to go to other AU's without his permission. If he'd find out about me sneaking out at night to go to Outertale, I'd be dead meat.

"Come on, I got something to show ya." Outer says, taking my hand as we both floated in the mist of space.

Outertale was peaceful as always, which is why I always come er- sneak here at night to relax from a busy day with my best pal Outer.

As we floated, I could see many islands, just like the one I've landed on, floating in the vast of space. Shooting stars passed by, making the skies even more beautiful. Little stars twinkled to keep the beauty balanced.

"Fascinating isn't it Kills?" Outer spoke, also admiring the view. I nodded in amazement. "It is indeed." I breath out.

Outer kept on leading me to somewhere. "Where are we going Outy ?" I ask in curiosity. "Somewhere." He replied chuckling.

After a few minutes of floating, we finally landed on a beautiful floating island with green willow trees in the shade of blue and violet of the night sky dotting it, and a stream of crystal clear water flowing in between them.

I gaped at the sight in front of me. Outer chuckled. "Speechless huh? Who could blame you ? I knew that your reaction would be like that."

I turned to him. "I never seen this island here before, how could I not notice it until now ???" Outer just shrugged.

"When you're from around here, it's easy to memorize the locations for good spots." He replied sitting down beneath a willow tree near the glowing blue stream.

I sat down next to him. "It's kinda nice to go to a calm and quiet place with tranquility after going through a busy day right Outer ?"

He nods. "You've said it pal. Hey I've got a joke for ya." He says, turning at me.

I smirk. "Go on~" "Why are koalas not considered as bears? Because they don't have the right- KOALAfications !"

I laugh at his pun so hard that I didn't realize that I've been rolling in the smooth grass. Outer seemed satisfied with my reaction.

I tried to catch my breath. "Okay, okay... I have one! What did the angry drunk skeleton say to the human ? Get DRUNKed On !!!" Outer was the one to roll on the grass this time.

The two of us continued to tell puns to each other until my phone buzzed, signaling my alarm and that it was time for me to go back to the Bad Sanses Mansion back at Dreamtale.

I groaned and stood up. "Agh... I gotta go. Don't wanna let Nightmare find out that I've gone missing or he'll chop my head off." Outer laughs.

"Well. It's nice to have you here Kills. Come stop by next time alright ?" I nod smiling. "I will."

I opened up a portal back to Dreamtale, saying my goodbyes to Outer before jumping in to meet my bedroom floor.

(A/N : Hardcore KillerMare/NightKiller Shippers be like : NUUU Why Author~Chan ?? But don't worry mah Shippers, this is just introduction. Comment down below who you'll SHIP Outer with.)

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