[[ Chapter 15 ]] Game Gone Wrong

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{Holy shit, this book has gained 3k Reads already... Which made me gain 31 followers... How in the world- Thanks for that guys ! And as a gift, I made something for ya which you'll see later, Chao !

-TKS 💜 }

• Killer's P.O.V. •

The lights had stopped flickering and when they did, Nightmare was no where in sight.

Where did he go...? He was just here a moment ago... I wonder what's gotten him made that made him gain too much negativity- Oh wait !

We all eyed Neutral who laughed nervously while scratching her skull.

"Way to go Neu !" Dust exclaimed smirking.

"Ya just made Octopussy jealous there sis !" Error added chuckling.

Neutral grinned. "Don't cha mean... He's now a... JELLY FISH???"

Everyone burst out laughing. I laughed a nervous one. "Man I was scared back there..."

Neutral scoffed. "Oh please, I told ya he won't hurt ya, that's why you shouldn't doubt me !"

I shook my head and chuckled. "Man... That was... Deep (I blame Rainbowlolwtfaa for this XD)..." I managed to breath out.

"Yea you did. Boss is probably pissed right now. Speaking of, where is Nightmare ???" Dust asked, looking around the room.

Horror shrugged. "Dunno, he was here a moment ago before the... lights started flickering..."

Then everyone all looked at me, smirking deviously. I glanced at them nervously. "What ???"

They all shrugged.

"Oh nothing !"



"What ???"

I groaned... I'm surrounded by idiots...

"So, what now ?" I asked, getting bored.

"Are we still playing Truth Or Dare ?" Dust asked.

Neutral shook her head. "Nah, I think that's enough for now." As she said that, she snapped her fingers again and then a sketchpad along with drawing and some paint appeared as she used a pencil to sketch something on the blank paper.

Error sighed in relief, happy that this was over- for now...

Horror stood up. "Imma go see Lust, and if Nightmare comes back, cover for me will ya, later guys !" Then he teleported away.

Dust stood up next. "I'm gonna go see my little Blueberry. Do the same for me k ?" Killer and I nodded.

Dust smiled before teleporting away.

Cross then stood up. "Let me guess, you gonna go to Dream~?" Neutral teased as she stopped drawing which made him blush.

"Hush you, I'm just gonna apologize to him for what I've done earlier."

Neutral gasped. "What did ya do to meh ChIlD-"

"He isn't yo ChIlD-"

"WhO sAiD So BiSh-"

"Shut it you two." Error interrupted. Then he stood up (stahp doin that brader-), "I'm going to the void, if you need me then you know where." He gestured to Neutral who nodded, going back to her drawing.

Then there he went.

Cross followed afterwards.

The only ones left were me and Neutral. I tried to peek over to what she was drawing but she won't let me.

"Oh come on please ???" I begged.

She chuckled grinning softly. "It's not done yet Kills. I'll let you see it later !" I pouted which made her giggle and nudge me.

"You have plans tonight ?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"Well, wanna come with me to Outertale tonight ? Constellation needs to tell me something." My eye sockets lit up to hearing that.

I smiled even wider. "Sure! I don't see no point in saying no. But... What about Nighty...?" I asked, a frown forming.

Neutral smirked (Oh yes- I just love hearing/seeing and using the word 'Smirk' pop out just like the word 'pinning' *lenny face*).

"What ? Can't stand it without knowing Nightmare isn't here with ya ???" That made me redden in embarrassment.

"N-No !" Damn it. I shouldn't have stuttered too much. I think my skull is already a tomato right now...

Neutral chuckled and patted me on the back. "Whatevs, let's go !" Then she opened up a portal to Outertale.

"COME !" Before I could say anything, she grabbed my arm and we went inside before the portal closed behind us.

{ Sowwy it's short :3 Here's the surprise I wanna show you guys :

{ Sowwy it's short :3 Here's the surprise I wanna show you guys :

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*looks at it and starts Fangirling in a corner*

Yep, I did this, art belongs to me-

Edit : Also, this was what Neutral was 'drawing' earlier in the story and didn't wanna let Killer see.

This is my Best Masterpiece yet !!! X3 Hope y'all like it ! Thanks for everything guyz ! LYSM !

-TKS 💜 }

~ That One Feeling ~ Nightmare X Killer [[ NightKiller ]] (Currently On Hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now