[[ Chapter 13 ]] He Hates It To Not Know

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{A/N : Hey guys, I just have a quick announcement to make. As you might have seen and noticed, I've changed the book cover and book title because I've realized that the title, and cover doesn't really connect much to the story so yea. I've also changed the description into a LONGER one because like the cover and title, it's complicated, if you wanna read it, then go ahead but may I remind you that the description contains some SPOILERS for the next chapter so beware if you don't wanna spoil it BAI~

-TKS 💜}

Killer's P.O.V. •

Neutral had gestured me to come near her and I did what I was told.

Neutral came close to where my ear is supposed to be and whispered quietly.

"Kills, you gotta kiss Dust on the cheek. After you do, say "No homo." And we shall see how the others will react."

My eye sockets widened. I could feel my face heat up again.

"WHAT ?!? HE'LL KILL ME IF I DO THAT !!!" I yelled.

Neutral rolled her eyes. "Oh don't worry bout it, I'll take care if it when things go wrong. Trust me!"

I was about to protest but then stopped when Neutral held up the Jar of Consequences again.

Everyone else except Nightmare had felt a chill run down their spine. We don't wanna face the wrath of the Jar of Consequences.

Nightmare however, didn't know so it was the first time he saw it and he was confused.

"You wouldn't dare..."

Neutral smirked. "Oh I would~"

I sighed in defeat, stood up, and hesitatingly walked towards Dust who wore a confused expression.

"Forgive me for this Dust." I said.

Dust grew more confused over his words. "Wha-"

I then cut him off by kissing his cheek bone. "No homo." Was what I said before all went silent.

Then the lights began to flicker. Making everyone squeal in surprise as we all turned to Nightmare.

You see, the mansion is powered and fueled by negativity that Nightmare's aura gives off and that's why we don't pay any electricity bills.

But when the lights flicker, that means that the negative energy Nightmare's given off was too strong.

How do I know ? Well, we've seen it happen before when we pulled a prank on Nightmare by dumping a bucket of water on him when he was sleeping.

And let me tell you, it didn't end up real good.

And this time, things are about to go hellbound...

• Nightmare's P.O.V. •

(Oh boi, shitz about to go down :'D)

I growled lowly, this game is beginning to become confusing, and I don't like it when I get confused.

Especially when it's Killer who is the one being confusing here. He hesitatingly stood up and walked towards Dust.

"Forgive me for this Dust." Killer said. Dust became more confused as the others and I looked on what was about to happen next.

"Wha-" Dust was about to ask but was cut off shortly when Killer... kissed his cheekbone...

Killer breathed. "No homo."

Everything went quite.

... He. Just. Kissed. Dust.

Something new had sparked in my chest. A new feeling. It's also a negative and strong one. One I've never had felt before.

It was at the tip of my tongue, yet I can't tell what this feeling really was. But whatever it was, it was a sign of pure hatred and anger.

It surfed through my whole body like wild fire.

Well whatever it is, it's directed at what happened just now.


What is this sudden newfound feeling...?

I felt it. I could feel my tentacles sharpen dangerously behind my back in the air.

The lights began to flicker continuously which is a sign that the negative power used is too much too handle.

I could hear gasps of shock and fear as the lights turned on and off repeatedly as the others tried to see through the darkness and light that came momentarily.

A mischievous grin made its way to my face as I felt the negative power overwhelm me.

I had an urge.

An urge to E L I M I N A T E.

... No ... I must not show any weakness...

I can't show any signs of weakness in front of the others. I am their superior !

I had to find out what this kind of feeling is ! I just need to know ! For what I just saw and felt, it had overwhelmed me with a great amount of negativity !

I must know...

And to know, I need to visit her.

My old and dearest friend.

And with my decision being made, I teleported away to another AU : UnderRealm (mah own AU brahs UwU).

I hate it to not know things...

I had teleported inside a castle. Not mine. It was huge. Large and dozens of golden pillars stood strong and proud that served as support and foundation.

I landed on cold dark blue and royal purple patterned tiles, ones I'm already familiar with.

Paintings of royal families and priceless displays stood by the side with plants that had lavender and orchid flowers growing in them.

And other things you'd find in a castle.

I concentrated on locating her aura. I need to find her as soon as possible.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise ~?" A female voice hummed from behind me.

It seems she had been the one to locate mine first. Heh. Smart as always.

I turned around to find the owner of the voice and who was also the person I've came here for.

"Hello again, Midnight." I greeted, smiling at her.

{ Yep I know it's a short one and I'm sorry I've been updating pretty slow because reasons. I'm also sad Cuz I lost my wallet yesterday outside the store when I went out of a "tricycad" (if you live in the Philippines then I'm guessing you already know what that is) outside the store and it had a few coins and my lucky charm :'/ Also because I'm gonna have practice because our Intramurals at school is nearing and I'm our team's Scrabble player representative and I'm also elected as the Captain for no proper reason by my classmates and friends so that means I'm gonna have to update on weekends so I hope that you'll understand guys ! Bai ! R.I.P. Wallet :'^

-TKS TwT }

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