[[ Chapter 8 ]] Close Call

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• Nobody's P.O.V. •

The group of Bad Sanses had teleported to the said 'Island of Weeping Willows' of Outertale.

The Star Sanses ; namely Dream, Nightmare's brother, Ink, and Blueberry were too caught up in their conversation to notice eyes spying on them, hidden from sight.

Dream had looked around the place as if he was looking or expecting something or someone to come. "What are you looking for Dream ?" Ink asked, looking up from his sketch pad and noting what his friend was doing.

Dream looked at Ink. "Oh, I was just looking to see if Outer Sans would come. He said he'd be here shortly, or I just think that we came here to early."

Blueberry laughed a cute 'Mwehehehe'. "Well, I think we should just be patient! After all, it has been pretty generous of Outer to let us come here to see the Meteor Shower this evening!"
Dream chuckled. "You're right Blue." He relaxed and Ink went back to what he was doing before.

"So what are you drawing this time Ink ???" Blueberry asked as he curiously tried to take a peek at what Ink was sketching on his sketch pad. Key word : 'tried'

Ink had quickly took action and closed his sketch pad to avoid revealing his work to his curious friend.

"I-Its nothing !" He exclaimed which made the other skeleton pout at him. "Aw come on Ink, pleaseeee ?????" Blue pleaded but was responded by Ink shaking his skull 'no'.

Dream playfully rolled his eye lights. "Oh, come on Ink, we both know you're drawing and thinking about him~"

That made a rainbow hue of blush to come flooding all over Ink's cheekbones and cover his obviously embarrassed face.

Dream had found out and he didn't even need to glance at what his artistic friend had to draw.

Dream had known that Ink has a slight 'likeness' to Error when he'd caught Ink drawing a sketch of the glitchy skeleton on his sketch pad not so long ago, but his friend keeps on denying it even if it is the truth.

Blueberry's blue eye lights had turned into bright shining stars as he gasped. "YOU LIKE SOMEONE ?!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ??!? THE MAGNIFICENT SANS WANTS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS PERSON SO HE CAN HELP YOU ! MWEHEHEHE !"

Blue was the only one oblivious to who Ink's crush was so he was quite surprised hearing this from Dream for the first time.

The rainbow hue on Ink's skull had worsened up to 10 times already as Blueberry had continued to bug Ink to spill the beans already.

"I don't like anyone okay ?!?" Ink squeaked. Blueberry pouted once again which made Dream laugh at his friends.

Then a loud snap of a branch breaking was heard which caused the three joyful skeletons to hush and listen.

Dream turned to his friends. "Did you guys hear that ???" He asked, looking around cautiously for the source of the sudden sound.

But he found and heard nothing less than the sound of flowing water of the crystal stream of river near them.

And it was always nighttime here in Outertale so it was even harder to see clearly.

"W-What was that ???" Blue asked a bit frightened. "It was just a twig or a branch that broke guys, nothing to be afraid of." Ink spoke.

• Dream's P.O.V. •

I looked around once again just to be sure. "Your right Ink, branches that break are totally normal right ?" Ink nodded which made me relax.

~ That One Feeling ~ Nightmare X Killer [[ NightKiller ]] (Currently On Hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now