Who Is Janae?

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Janae's POV

I was sitting in the waiting room looked at my phone. Today was the first appointment for the baby. I was nervous, but kind of excited for it. Val had missed his flight so I wasn't expecting him to be here. I was a little sad because I wanted to see him, but part of me felt relieved that he wasn't here. This was still weird to me. When I dropped Eva off with Roman he had told me that his parents were having a family dinner. I told him he could bring her home after. We had been in a really weird place still. We bumped heads around the time of their annual gala. He has assumed that I would still go to the gala with him. That caused me to have to break down yet again everything we had planned for us is no more. Anytime I thought about him I go a headache. I closed my eyes for a second when I heard the door open and someone sit next to me. "Welcome back." I opened my eyes and looked at Val.

"How did you know it was me?" He laughed.

"I'm working with that super pregnancy senses right now. I know your cologne strangely enough. You smell like bourbon and honey." I smiled.

"Still craving honey buns?" He smiled and pulled on out of the pocket of his hoodie. "This is for almost missing this."

"It's ok." I smiled.

"If it isn't my favorite patient, how are you beloved?" Dr. Adams burst into the lobby.

"Can doctors play favorites?" Val asked.

"Do you want to tell her she can't?" I whispered back.

"Is she delivering our kid?" He asked.

"Yes." I laughed.

"Well this favoritism is okay." He smiled as I hugged her.

"Who is this hunk of handsome man?" Dr. Adams smiled.

"This is Valentin, Valentin this is my wonderful Dr. Adams." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you." I giggled at her facial expression when she heard his accent.

"I see why you got pregnant again." She said where only I could hear talking us to the back. We got in the room and I climbed on the table. I already knew what to do. Val just sat quietly while I Dr. Adams and I talked about Eva and how she was doing. She put the warm gel on my belly. I looked over and saw Val playing with a loose string on his hoodie. I reached out and rubbed his face. He looked up and smiled at me. "Are you too ready to see little baby..."

"Muller." I smiled at Val.

"Well there this little Muller is. You are just knocking on your third month." She moved the wand around and I looked at the little baby that was growing in me. Val was asking questions, but wasn't listening. Tears began to well up. "What's on your mind Janae? Are you okay sweetheart." Dr. Adams asked.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about how a year ago I couldn't get pregnant to save my life. We were starting to look into IVF and now I'm here looking at a baby I'm not ready for, but I'm so excited to meet." I wiped my tears.

"There is a reason for everything. This was written in the stars." Dr. Adams smiled. I nodded as she turned the sound on. You could hear the rapid little heartbeat. I smiled and Val laughed. "This is crazy." He mumbled.

"Isn't it?" I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

"What are you hoping for?" She looked over at me.

"I don't know, Val?" I asked.

"Healthy." He held my hand.

"We'll take anything healthy." I agreed. She printed out sonograms for us while I wiped the gel off my stomach. She handed them to Val as I got off of the table. We walked out of the office and to our cars. He had parked next to me. He kept looking at the images of our baby. "Are you going to get Eva?" He asked.

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