Getting Up

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Janae's POV

My brothers were trying to clean and get my townhouse ready for me and Eva, so until then I was staying with Dom. We had sex a few more times and it made me feel good in the moment, but after I would still fill like I was cheating. I stayed true to my word and went to my lawyer that Rita had told me about and got divorce papers drawn up. She had someone else deliver them for me. It had only been two week since the christening and my brain was everywhere. I was thinking about the night of the christening. My Aunts and Roman's Aunts pushed me to take 3 hours to myself. I had ended up hanging out with Val. We ended up at his house talking. Talking turned into kissing, kissing got deeper, and deeper turned into three rounds of sex. I didn't regret it. I just felt bad since him and Dom are best friends. Val and I agreed to keep it on the down low. The last round he ran out of condoms, but he pulled out. I sat on the Dom's couch and looked up when I heard shuffling. He came in chewing and I couldn't help, but giggle. "What has you up?" I asked.
"I wanted a muffin. What has you up this early?" He sat by me with his snack.
"Just thinking." I smiled.
"Muffin for your thoughts?" He offered.
"Do you ever think about how our lives would be if we never broke up? I've been thinking about it. Where would we be living? Would we have kids? Stuff like that you know or would we just have broken up anyway?" I smiled taking a piece.
"I mean I have yes. I think we would have had a least one rugrat by now. I think we'd have a very picture perfect life for the most part." He smiled.
"We had the cleanest break up. For a while I thought you'd comeback and we'd pick up where we left off but you didn't. Then we lost touch and I figured it was time to move on."
"Yeah after I got stationed in Nola I knew I didn't want you to put your life on hold for me. I had the military and you had a teaching career. It wasn't fair of me to ask you to deal with the long distance and on top of that deployment. I wanted more for you. A husband that was there all the time, dream job, perfect picket fence, all of that." He finished eating.
"Well you see how great that's worked out. I think I was so caught up in having something like my parents I thought I could domesticate him. I mean I thought I did pretty well but I guess not. It was fun while it lasted." I looked at my empty finger.
"You two have been together for a long ass time. From what I could see is how he looked at you. It's obvious he loves you. Anyone can see that. It's also obvious he has plenty of demons. Maybe this time alone can get him to sort it out. Then you guys can go back to your normal happy lives together."

"Look at you giving me tips how to fix my marriage. Many guys would have taken this as their chance." I teased.
"It crossed my mind. I'll always love you PJ you know that. I'm pretty sure there's a part of you that'll always love me also, but you're still married. Anyway I have gotten to wake up to you recently. That's more than Roman can say right now. Plus there's a sweet green eyed little girl in my bed that wouldn't like it if I swooped her and her mommy from her dad."
"You did always want a perfect of family didn't you?" I chuckled.
"Yeah I'm a romantic can you blame me." He looked down. "You know I came back."

"What?" I was confused.

"All those years ago, I was like nope. I miss Janae and she's the woman I want and need. No matter what I have to do she will be mine. I called Christina and came back home. We went out to lunch and I asked about you. I remember this because I was like damn. She held my hand and was like Nicky, Janae is in a relationship and pregnant. At that time I had the choice to come back here or stay there. I was like well I'll stay there. Then I texted you around before Stanley's trial just putting it all on the line and I sent you a long ass text. You left me on read. I said you know what alright Dominic she moved on you did too." He pulled my legs over his.

"Damn, you know I don't remember that. I would have talked to you." I tried to think back.

"Well it said read and I'm not going to lie I was like shit she could at least tell me she wasn't interest." He rubbed my legs.

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