Chapter 3

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          Percy was very depressed and sad as everyone else who had the good or bad luck of staying on earth after Thanos snapped his fingers and vanished the other half of the population, which had very bad luck.
         Percy wanted to kill himself. He simply wanted to do it, he simply wanted to stop existing and commit suicide. The same could be told for Hazel, Leo, Thalia, Will and Clarisse but nobody did so, as that thought left from their mind the second they even considered it or like Percy they were a movement away from doing it.
          Percy was doing everything he could to find his wise girl; without any results of course and as all of his friends were pessimists which meant that Percy gave up quickly on his efforts.
          Now Percy became a new person, a person that was created in Tartarus. A person that was dark, sad, full with vengeance and melancholy. He was transformed into a human body with Flesh and Bones the instant Annabeth disappeared. The days of the dark Percy began.

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