Chapter 6

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            Percy and Natasha sat in a pub with very bad lighting and with a musky atmosphere. "I've done a lot of research for you Percy Jackson. You you've done a lot of weird things. You made a hurricane that destroyed half of New York , you put in sleep all of the New Yorkers. You dissapear for three months, we have some weird footage of when you were in Los Angeles and you fought with a weird guy and caused a tsunami and lastly you flew with a flying ship over Europe. My question? How?" Natasha asked and while going mad.
               Percy's  eyes widened and he paled. "Are you? A demigod? Or a mortal that can see through the mist?" Natasha looked at him like he was insane "What? A demigod? No. What are you talking about?" Percy was never so confused "Then how do you know all that stuff about me Natasha Romanoff? The mist was covering everything. "You were one of my cases in S.H.I.E.L.D, agents Fury, Hill and Coulson were looking for you for a very long time but I finally found you. The 'mist' you are talking about can't hide anything from us. But it's like you have powers of something? It's the only explanation. Do you have Percy Jackson?" Our heroine said with her arms crossed, an interrogative look on her face and she raised her right perfect shaped eye brow once again.
        "Yes I have powers. I am a son of Poseidon or at least I was a son of Poseidon. I can control water, make hurricanes, tsunamis, control blood, deadly poisons and I can do a lot more stuff. But that was before, before she died." Percy sighed "You may be good your whole life but gloomily when the word pushes you very hard, you have to go nuclear to survive agent Romanoff and that's exactly what happened to me. I didn't do anything wrong my entire life but that's what happens to all the good guys" Percy said
           "Look Jackson, your sass or your baddass you are trying to sell doesn't work with me. I am the queen of all the badasses. You lost your 'one' and everyone who loved you and admired you.  I understand that but if you want to bring her back, you have to cut the attitude and come with me. I can help you, there are other superheroes with powers just like yours that can help you bring her back and live the life you always wanted to to live" Natasha said with an aggressive tone.
      "Why should I come with you. How do I know that you aren't going to do experiments to me?" "You aren't the only one who lost their friends and family. There are many  other just like you, that they were heroes and now they're trying to be the bad guys but they can't. If you change your mind you can come in the Avengers tower. You can bring anyone who can help us out. I hope to see you soon. I really do but good luck with whatever you're doing to do at last Percy Jackson" Natasha said and climbed on her motorcycle. "See you soon" Percy said with his trademark half smirk that he hadn't done for four and half years

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